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What if Beethoven meets Pejacevic and Smyth? Konserthuset Stockholm presents the festival LvB – Ladies versus Beethoven.
What if Beethoven meets Pejacevic and Smyth? Konserthuset Stockholm presents the festival LvB – Ladies versus Beethoven.

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Ladies versus Beethoven – a different kind of Beethoven festival at Konserthuset Stockholm 2020

In 2020, the music world will celebrate the 250-year anniversary of Ludwig van Beethoven. At Konserthuset Stockholm, the event is highlighted by more than 28 concerts during the year – and at the centre of the festivities is a large orchestral festival. All of Beethoven’s symphonies will be presented, but this time together with works by eminent women composers from the 19th century until today.

— We decided early on that we would like to celebrate Beethoven in our own way, says Executive & Artistic Director Stefan Forsberg. And since we love festivals – a format that gives us unique opportunities for in-depth concentration as well as manifestation – the idea of a festival became one of the starting points for the programming.

Ladies versus Beethoven (LvB)

Over the course of two intensive weeks, Konserthuset Stockholm will present all nine symphonies, performed by the resident Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra and six other Swedish orchestras. Beethoven’s symphonies comprise a unique and infinite universe that holds incredible discoveries for the first-time listener, but which can also be explored over and over again. At this festival, the symphonies will be placed in a new light through presentations with pieces by women composers from the nineteenth century to our own era. Thus, the festival is named Ladies versus Beethoven – which is of course also a twist of the abbreviation LvB.

Featured composers are Ethel Smyth, Amy Beach, Dora Pejacevic, Louise Farrenc; all born in the 19th century and pioneers in their time. The first three were active even during decades in the 20th century. Also featured is the Polar Music Prize winner Kaija Saariaho, and Sally Beamish, who was awarded the British Composer Award in 2018. The younger generation is represented by Swedish composer Britta Byström and Finnish Lotta Wennäkoski.

Programme Director Fredrik Andersson develops the thoughts behind the festival:

— By pairing each Beethoven symphony with another masterpiece, by a woman composer, the festival follows in Konserthuset Stockholm’s clear ambition when it comes to programming: we are working to build a more gender balanced repertoire. Ladies versus Beethoven is a Beethoven tribute which at the same time directs the spotlight onto composers whose music deserves to be performed more often and to reach a wider audience, he says.

The Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra and Chief Conductor Sakari Oramo will perform symphonies No. 1, 5 and 9. In order of appearance, guest orchestras include the Gävle Symphony Orchestra, the Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra, the Norrköping Symphony Orchestra, the Royal Swedish Orchestra, the Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra and the Swedish Chamber Orchestra. In total, just over 600 musicians will participate in the festival.

Chamber music

But naturally, symphonies are not all that Beethoven is known for; in 2020 Konserthuset Stockholm will also present Beethoven’s chamber music through a complete concert series of Beethoven’s most iconic formats – the string quartets, piano sonatas and violin sonatas – performed by guest musicians of the highest international level.

Cuarteto Casals will tackle all of the string quartets in six concerts; Igor Levit will play all of the piano sonatas in eight concerts, and finally, violinist Frank Peter Zimmermann and pianist Martin Helmchen will perform all of the sonatas for violin and piano in two concerts.

Fidelio, the opera

And as if that were not enough, we will also make space for a concert performance of Beethoven’s only opera, Fidelio, with Nina Stemme, Michael Weinius and Karl-Magnus Fredriksson.

28 concerts – including Ludde B!

In total, throughout all of 2020, we will present 28 concerts with pieces by Ludwig van Beethoven – along with the Ludde B concerts also for school children. Here, the Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra and host Ayla Kabaca gets into mischief with Beethoven himself.

Full Beethoven programme 2020 

Additional information: Festivals at Konserthuset Stockholm

The annual Stockholm International Composer Festival present today’s most prominent composers. The festival was founded in November 1986 and quickly became an essential element of both Swedish and international music scenes. The fundamental idea – to spend an intensive period featuring modern, established composers – has proven to be successful. Since 2006, Konserthuset Stockholm also highlights its country’s most exciting active composers in the spring’s Composer Weekend.

In addition, Konserthuset Stockholm arranges special festivals that give echo throughout the music world: examples are the 2010 Mahler Festival and the 2015 Sibelius/Nielsen Festival. Just as the upcoming festival Ladies versus Beethoven, the latter two were built on daily concerts with the Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra and a number of visiting symphony orchestras.

— Through the festivals we are able to create a context where people can gather and share a common experience of great artistry, says Stefan Forsberg. Here we can realize our vision to present artistic concepts where highest international level blends with broad and cutting-edge projects inspired by our rapidly changing society.

More info on Konserthuset Stockholm festivals

Ludwig van Beethoven 2020 – Konserthuset Stockholm

Ladies versus Beethoven – Festival in March 2020

Wednesday 18 March

Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra / Sakari Oramo conductor

Ethel Smyth: Serenade in D major

Ludwig van Beethoven: Symphony No. 1

Thursday 19 March

Gävle Symphony Orchestra /Jaime Martín conductor

Louise Farrenc: Symphony No. 2

Ludwig van Beethoven: Leonore Overture No. 3

Ludwig van Beethoven: Symphony No. 2

Friday 20 March

Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra / Klaus Mäkelä conductor
Kaija Saariaho: Orion

Ludwig van Beethoven: Symphony No. 3 "Eroica"

Saturday 21 March

Norrköping Symphony Orchestra /Joana Carneiro conductor

Amy Beach: Symphony in e minor "Gaelic"

Ludwig van Beethoven: Symphony No. 4

Tuesday 24 March

Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra / Sakari Oramo conductor

Dora Pejacevic: Symphony in f sharp minor

Ludwig van Beethoven: Symphony No. 5

Wednesday 25 March

Royal Swedish Orchestra / Alan Gilbert conductor

Emilie Mayer: Faust Overture

Ludwig van Beethoven: Symphony No. 6 "Pastoral"

Thursday 26 March

Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra / Santtu-Matias Rouvali conductor

Britta Byström: Voyages extraordinaires

Ludwig van Beethoven: Overture to Fidelio

Ludwig van Beethoven: Symphony No. 7

Friday 27 March

Swedish Chamber Orchestra/ Martin Fröst conductor

Sally Beamish: Whitescape

Sally Beamish: Hover

Ludwig van Beethoven: Coriolan Overture

Ludwig van Beethoven: Symphony No. 8

Saturday 28 March

Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra / Sakari Oramo conductor

Eric Ericson Chamber Choir / Christina Nilsson soprano / ... alto / ... tenor / ... baritone

Lotta Wennäkoski: Flounce

Ludwig van Beethoven: Symphony No. 9

Fidelio, the opera

23 February

String quartets with Cuarteto Casals

25 & 26 January, 18 & 19 April, 26 & 27 September.

Piano sonatas with Igor Levit

17, 18, 21 & 22 February, 5, 16, 17 & 20 October.

Sonatas for violin and piano with Frank Peter Zimmermann & Martin Helmchen

18 October & 12 December.

Ludde B! Family concerts

7 March.



Tony Lundman

Tony Lundman

Presskontakt Redaktör +46 8 786 02 90

Hör passionen, möt känslorna, upplev magin

Konserthuset Stockholm är hemmet för en av Europas främsta symfoniorkestrar, Kungliga Filharmonikerna, och ägs av Stockholms Konserthusstiftelse. Visionen är att Konserthuset Stockholm ska vara ett av Europas mest nyskapande och tillgängliga konserthus, där utbudet präglas av högsta internationella kvalitet. Kungliga Filharmonikerna ska vara en av musikvärldens mest omtalade och respekterade orkestrar, ständigt uppmärksammad för sin höga kvalitet och musikaliska nyfikenhet.

Varje vecka under konsertsäsongen gästas Konserthuset Stockholm av det internationella musiklivets främsta artister i olika genrer. Här presenteras orkestermusik med Kungliga Filharmonikerna, familjekonserter, kammarmusik, jazz och världsmusik. Vi ger årligen uppemot 200 konserter i egen regi samt ett 40-tal konserter anordnade av externa arrangörer.

I samband med coronapandemin har satsningen på det digitala utbudet, som är gratis för alla, utökats avsevärt. Idag är den väletablerade streamingtjänsten Konserthuset Play en av de mest aktiva och ansedda kanalerna i branschen, både i Sverige och internationellt.

Konserthuset Stockholm / Kungliga Filharmonikerna

Hötorget 8