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World Publishing Expo 2014: Successful Trade Fair for ppi Media

Things were really busy at ppi Media's booth at the World Publishing Expo 2014 in Amsterdam. From October 13-15, old friends and new faces were attracted to the northern Germans' booth to get an insight into new products, discuss the dynamic requirements of the market and find out first-hand how these can be met. And although attendance declined in general at the trade fair, the software developer sees a more than positive result: ppi Media's booth was always well attended, even better than the year before. 

Hamburg, October 21, 2014. For three days, the Amsterdam RAI Exhibition and Convention Center was dedicated to the world of publishing: the WAN-IFRA invited everyone to the World Publishing Expo 2014. This leading event for the publishing industry was a great success for ppi Media: the colleagues from Customer Service, Product Management and Sales hardly had time to catch their breath in between discussions and live demos. “We were very pleased that we had so much to do, and that we were able to welcome more people to our booth this year than we did last year. Considering the downward trend and that, in total, there were fewer visitors to the trade fair this year, this is something very special,” said Norbert Ohl, CEO of ppi Media, who was more than satisfied. “I'm also very pleased about the contracts we recently signed with Metro US and Verlag Nürnberger Presse, who has been one of our customers for a long time and now also plans to implement our Output Management System OM.”

In great demand: simple solutions for Multi-Channel Publishing

Many discussions focused on the question of how publishers can publish efficiently in all channels so as to expand their print services to include digital media. “Our answer to this is Content-X, a simple and cost-effective editorial solution for entering content in a media-neutral manner before it is used online, for tablets, smartphones and print,” Jan Kasten, CTO at ppi Media, explained. Additional modules allow Content-X to be enhanced as required. For example, it is possible to integrate the CX planner, a simple solution for planning daily newspapers and magazines, or to deliver content to digital channels by means of CX digital.

At home next year

Further highlights for ppi Media's customers and everyone interested were the presentations and discussions on the ad solution AdX, which schedules cross-media advertising material, while the company's AdX apps are great tools for viewing the booking status of an ad. The AdX Sales App, for example, enables ad sales staff to use their tablet to offer, reserve and book advertising space for customers on site. “We have been observing an increasing interest in solutions for digital publishing, and we now assume that this trend will intensify in the coming years,” Norbert Ohl said, referring to next year's World Publishing Expo that will take place in Hamburg, ppi Media's home town, from October 5-7, 2015.


  • Internetmedien


  • amsterdam
  • content-x
  • multi-channel publishing
  • ppi media
  • publishing
  • editorial solution
  • world publishing expo

ppi Media GmbH is the leading international workflow specialist for newspaper  and magazine publishers, as well as printers, corporate publishers and groups, and SMEs. Its main focus lies in the development of highly efficient software solutions on a global scale. ppi Media is the market leader in the field of automated newspaper production. On the German market, 75% of all daily newspapers are produced using products by ppi Media. Many more installations can be found in Asia, Europe, Africa and the USA. A subsidiary of the Eversfrank Group, ppi Media has its head office in Hamburg and branches in Kiel, Germany, and Chicago, USA. For more information visit


Julia Gohde

Pressekontakt Marketing und Public Relations 040227433620