Pressemeddelelse -


MCI today launched its 2014 Annual Report, a printed publication and dynamic digital version which summarizes the company’s performance during the business year ending 31 December 2014 and describes MCI’s evolution from logistics supplier to results-driven agency.

Building Possibilities

Based on the theme of building possibilities, the report charts MCI’s transformation from a supplier to a strategic partner who builds possibilities for clients by unlocking the potential of live events and hybrid experiences.

2014: Year in Review

The section ‘Our Performance’ shares the following key figures about MCI’s global performance and financial results in 2014:

  • Stable global growth: a best-ever gross margin of €122 million (5% increase from 2013)
  • 4,475 projects managed in 67 countries
  • 2,866 events and 588 congresses delivered
  • 107 environmental, social and governance (ESG) and energy-related events delivered
  • Projects managed for 77 of the Fortune 500 companies

Marketplace and Client Stories

The report also showcases MCI’s unique core products and solutions and shares six inspiring client stories from the past year:

To read the full report, visit or download the PDF.


  • Økonomi, finans

MCI Copenhagen er et full service kongres, møde og eventbureau med speciale i relationsskabende og udbytterige arrangementer og oplevelser.

MCI Copenhagen A/S er en del af MCI Group med 1500 medarbejdere på 57 kontorer i 30 lande.

I 2013 omsatte MCI for 116 mio Euro, og opnåede en vækst på 10% i forhold til 2012.


Trine Steffensen

Pressekontakt Managing Director +45 3114 5578