Pres release, Dakar 2016 Stage 11: Iveco and De Rooy take yet another step towards victory

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Pres release, Dakar 2016 Stage 11: Iveco and De Rooy take yet another step towards victory

Another day at the Dakar under temperatures above 40C (104F). The Bikes and Quads race was cut short, but Cars and Trucks moved on. Some of them are fitted with AC equipment, but others are not, and they are the true heroes of these hot past days.

Gerard de Rooy is leading the Trucks general classification. He started off the day 1 hour and 15 minutes ahead of the Russian Kamaz pilot, Airat Mardeev, and his goal was to reach the finish line without losing much time over his main competitor. And that's exactly what he did. In fact, after winning three stages since the start of the Rally and having established such big differences, he no longer needs to put his foot down if he feels that arriving close to his rivals is enough.

Yesterday Mardeev drove only 5 minutes 58 seconds faster than De Rooy, thus bringing the lead in the general down from 1 hour 15 minutes 19 seconds down to 1 hour 09 minutes 21 seconds, with only two more stages to go. In turn, and despite having lost quite some time today, Federico Villagra’s Iveco Powerstar has further consolidated its 3rd position on the podium. One of this Dakar’s revelations is 1 hour 45 minutes 45 seconds from the lead with a 22 minute-and- 57-second lead over Ton van Genugten, now standing 4th in the general.

The Dutch pilot, another new member on Team de Rooy at the wheel of an Iveco Trakker, continues to show a great performance making steady progress across Argentinean territory. Van Genugten used Hans Stacey's delay and his Trakker's power to climb up to 4th position, thus placing three Iveco trucks among the Top 4 after adding the time results of all 11 stages.

In turn, Pep Vila remains focused on his goal to reach the Top 10 and is only one position behind to make it. His main rivals are Dmitry Sotnikov (10th, Kamaz) and Jaroslav Valtr (9th, Tatra). The 2

Spaniard, who is participating in his twelfth Dakar, today finished 35 minutes 28 seconds from the lead, standing 11 minutes away from the Top 10 in the general.

The 2016 Dakar is only two stages away from its end. Today the trucks will compete along a timed section of 267 kilometers, plus a 600 km connecting section (San Juan – Villa Carlos Paz). They will be arriving in Rosario on Saturday after 180 km of competition and almost 540 km of connecting section.

Stage 11 −Trucks

1. Nikolaev (RUS), Kamaz – 5:31:37

2. Versluis (NLD), MAN – plus 5 minutes 02 seconds

3. TON VAN GENUGTEN (NLD), IVECO – plus 5 minutes 36 seconds

4. Mardeev (RUS), Kamaz – plus 7 minutes 51 seconds

5. Sotnikov (RUS), Kamaz – plus 9 minutes 38 seconds


6. GERARD DE ROOY (NLD), IVECO – plus 13 minutes 49 seconds

9. FEDERICO VILLAGRA (ARG), IVECO – plus 26 minutes 47 seconds

12. PEP VILA (ESP), IVECO – plus 35 minutes 28 seconds

General Classification −Trucks

1. GERARD DE ROOY (NLD), IVECO – 39:10:29

2. Mardeev (RUS), Kamaz – plus 1 hour 09 minutes 21 seconds

3. FEDERICO VILLAGRA (ARG), IVECO – plus 1 hour 45 minutes 45 seconds

4. TON VAN GENUGTEN (NLD), IVECO – plus 2 hours 08 minutes 42 seconds

5. Stacey (NLD), MAN – plus 2 hours 31 minutes 03 seconds


11. PEP VILA (ESP), IVECO – plus 4 hours 33 minutes 33 seconds



Iveco on CNH Industrial N.V.-konserniin kuuluva yritys, joka on globaali johtaja kulutustavarasektorilla ja noteerattu New Yorkin pörssissä (New York Stock Exchange, NYSE: CNHI) sekä italialaisessa Mercato Telematico Azionario -pörsissä (MI:CNHI). Iveco kehittää ja valmistaa viimeisimpien teknologioiden avulla laajan valikoiman kevyitä, keskiraskaita ja raskaita ammattiajoneuvoja, työajoneuvoja, kaupunki- ja linjaliikenteen busseja sekä erikoisajoneuvoja palontorjuntaan sekä maasto-, sotilas- ja siviilipuolustukseen. Ivecolla on 27 000 työntekijää 160 maassa sekä n. 5000 myyntikonttoria ja konepajaa, mikä takaa teknisen tuen kaikkialla maailmassa.


Tuomas Viren

Lehdistön yhteyshenkilö Country Sales Manager IVECO

Lise Marie McLoughlin Nielsen (Manager PR, Marketing and Communication)

Lehdistön yhteyshenkilö Marketing Manager IVECO
Marie Rømer (Responsible for fairs and events)

Marie Rømer (Responsible for fairs and events)

Lehdistön yhteyshenkilö Events & Marketing Specialist Fairs & events +4520818477

Iveco on johtava hyötyajoneuvojen valmistaja.

IVECO on Iveco Group N.V. ‑konserniin (MI: IVG) kuuluva yritys. IVECO kehittää ja valmistaa monenlaisia kevyitä, keskiraskaita ja raskaita ammattiajoneuvoja sekä maastoautoja ja muita erikoistehtäviin tarkoitettuja maastoajoneuvoja.

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