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Visit Worldline at Money20/20Europe and get prepared for PSD2

Worldline, [Euronext: WLN] European leader in the payments and transactional services industry, is ready to present its newest products, solutions and services when the European version of the worlds’ largest fintech event takes place in Bella Center, Copenhagen in Denmark from 26 – 28 June 2017.

Visitors will be able to meet Worldline CEO Gilles Grapinet together with payment experts as well as industry thought leader David Birch if they pay a visit to booth A10 in the exhibition area where digital banking, mobile and instant payments are expected to be the most ‘hot’ topics.

On Tuesday from 11.20 – 12.10, Worldline MD Marc-Henri Desportes, General Manager Worldline, will participate in the panel discussion: Is there a future for banks in payments?

With the revised Payment Service Directory, PSD2, just around the corner, Worldline will be focusing on how to help its customers gain advantages of the changes in the industry. At the booth, Worldline’s payment experts will present a new Account-to-Account solution together with a ’preparation’ guide for banks of how to become ready for PSD2.

And for merchants, it might be interesting to learn more about the new donation box, a connected moneybox concept for micro-donations with a multichannel e-payment acceptance system that makes the process of donating money to a merchant’s favourite charity as easy as clicking on an “opt-in” button.

David Birch book signing

We are very pleased that David Birch, the internationally recognized thought leader in digital money and digital identity, has accepted our invitation to pay a visit to booth A10 Tuesday from 10-11. Here, he will be signing his new book, “Before Babylon, Beyond Bitcoin - From Money That We Understand To Money That Understands Us”

Read more about David Birch and the book signing here: http://fairs.worldline.com/money-20-20-europe-2017/home/david-birch.html

If you are attending Money20/20Europe next week, we hope that you will visit our booth and look forward to giving you our thoughts about PSD2 and the future of payments.

About Worldline

Worldline [Euronext: WLN] is the European leader in the payments and transactional services industry. Worldline delivers new-generation services, enabling its customers to offer smooth and innovative solutions to the end consumer. Key actor for B2B2C industries, with over 40 years of experience, Worldline supports and contributes to the success of all businesses and administrative services in a perpetually evolving market. Worldline offers a unique and flexible business model built around a global and growing portfolio, thus enabling end-to-end support. Worldline activities are organized around three axis: Merchant Services, Mobility & e-Transactional Services, Financial Processing & Software Licensing including equensWorldline. Worldline employs more than 8,600 people worldwide, with estimated revenue of circa 1.5 billion euros on a yearly basis. Worldline is an Atos company. worldline.com


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Atos on johtava digitaalisten palveluiden tarjoaja, jossa työskentelee noin 100,000 työntekijää 72 maassa. Atoksen liikevaihto on noin 12 miljardia euroa. Yritys on Euroopan johtava suurteholaskennan, Big Data, kyberturvallisuus ja digitaalinen työpaikka -palveluiden tarjoaja. Atos tarjoaa maailmanlaajuiselle asiakaskunnalleen myös pilvipalveluita, IT-infrastruktuuri ja tiedonhallintapalveluita, liiketoiminta- ja sovellusalustaratkaisuja, sekä maksuvälityspalveluita alansa Euroopan johtajan Worldlinen kautta.

Laaja-alaisella toimiala- ja teknologiatuntemuksella Atos tukee asiakkaitaan digitaalisessa murroksessa eri sektoreilla, mukaan lukien: puolustus, rahoitus, terveydenhuolto, valmistava teollisuus, media, energia, julkishallinto, kauppa, telekommunikaatio sekä kuljetus ja liikenne. Atos toimii maailmanlaajuisesti Olympia- ja Paralympiakisojen IT-kumppanina ja sen brändeihin kuuluu Atos, Atos Consulting, Atos Worldgrid, Bull, Canopy, Unify ja Worldline. Atos SE (Societas Europaea) on listautunut Pariisin pörssin CAC40-indexiin.


Ksenia Forsheneva

Lehdistön yhteyshenkilö Head of Marketing & Communications Nordics +46 73 620 65 13

Line Gammelgaard Jensen

Lehdistön yhteyshenkilö Deputy CMO, BeNeLux & The Nordics Marketing & Communications +45 3045 5387