Tiedote -

Software-Defined Networking (SDN) Strategy and Portfolio

By enabling OpenFlow across its line of Ethernet network switches, application developers can build SDN applications for campus, cloud and carrier networks using a consistent framework powered by ExtremeXOS. Additionally, by supporting multiple controllers, Extreme Networks offers customers a set of choices when it comes to their SDN deployment. The OpenFlow capabilities described above will be available to new and existing customers with active support agreements in July 2012.


  • Tietokone, Televiestintä, IT


  • cloud
  • cloud computing
  • data center
  • extreme networks
  • extremexos
  • managed hosting
  • virtualisation
  • virtualization
  • SDN


Timo Lonka

Lehdistön yhteyshenkilö Country Manager for Finland & Baltics Extreme Networks Suomi & Balttia +358 45 135 0574