Uutinen -

HealthSPA INVITE: An afternoon of innovation

Interested in meeting the hottest startups and the best industry experts in the field? HealthSPA is coming to Tampere!

At HealthSPA we work together to create a strong community and share the innovation. Join us, learn about health tech, wellness and life-changing medical devices and enjoy an afternoon of networking sessions with Finland’s best professionals.

Startups get the chance to pitch and showcase their products, while professionals share their knowledge. Together we partner for breakthrough innovations with global market opportunities. Join the leaders of health innovation!


14:30 Coffee is served, opening words by organizers 

14:40 Mikael Rinnetmäki, Founder, Sensotrend 
‘The potential of forming partnerships in the health startup ecosystem’

15:00 Petro Soininen, Principal Software Development Engineer Manager, Microsoft
‘Disrupting health care with smart data, hardware and software innovation’ 

15:20 Kari Salomaa, Director, Business Development, FinnMedi
‘Health Village, from an idea to a 500 million euro investment’ 

15:40 Presentations: Latest products, ideas and innovation

17:00 Food, Networking and Matchmaking

March 6th 14:30–18:30 

Finn-Medi 5
Biokatu 12

February 27th


  • Terveys, sairaanhoito, lääketiede


Liisa Oksanen

Lehdistön yhteyshenkilö Tiedottaja +358 50 579 3205