Press release -

Now everyone can see how much brand value Finland has online

HELSINKI, Finland, November 28, 2017 – InsightsAtlas has just unveiled the “Suomi mainittu, torilla tavataan!” web page to celebrate 100 years of Finnish independence. It is dedicated to Finland, Finnish citizens, and anyone who loves Finland.

“Suomi manittu, torilla tavataan!” web page brings all posts related to Finland across the globe on Twitter to one page. In addition, it calculates and presents details about the conversations, such as visibility the posts are gaining amongst global audience, as well as the languages that are being used.

“Suomi mainittu” means “Finland mentioned”, but “Suomi mainittu, torilla tavataan” as a phrase has a special meaning to Finns. The following is a direct quotation from UrbanDictionary:

“Torilla tavataan" means "let's meet at the Market Square". The square is the location of big celebratory events, such as ice hockey world championship victories, and whenever Finland is mentioned outside its borders in any form, people use "torilla tavataan" sarcastically to make fun of the fact that the Finns are obsessed by international recognition and attention and "what do they think about us". It's commonly used with a word about or from Finland.

“To honour 100 years of Finnish independence, we wanted to use our technology to ease the everyday life of Finns, by bringing all the posts mentioning “Finland” on Twitter to one web page. Now, no Finn will ever miss the “market square” celebrations! Finland is also a brand of its own and it is really important to know how well the Finnish brand is performing on social media worldwide. We are analyzing “Finland” until the end of the year and as a gift, we will deliver a detailed report to anyone who wants to know how Finland is performing on Twitter.” comments Jarkko Jokirinta, Founder and CEO of InsightsAtlas.

“There has been celebrations everywhere in Finland related to this 100th year anniversary and now with Slush event (November 30-December 1) and Finnish Independence Day (December 6) approaching, we wanted to somehow contribute to increasing the awareness of Finland. What better way is there than to share this “Suomi manittu, torilla tavataan!” web page with the rest of the world!” comments Shiho Hashimoto, Marketing Director at InsightsAtlas.

Visit to see in real-time what people around the world are saying related to Finland in various languages!


  • PR, Communication

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Shiho Hashimoto

Press contact Markkinointijohtaja