Uutinen -

Nordcloud Endorses the Quantum Software Manifesto

Quantum Computing is the science and engineering that harnesses quantum mechanical effects to build computers and applications that can outperform all of the current and even foreseeable classical computers in certain tasks.


  • quantum software research,
  • an integrated approach to quantum hardware and software research and development,
  • collaboration between industry and academia to identify real-world problems that can benefit from small, imperfect quantum computers and demonstrate quantum computing applications, and
  • educating more quantum programmers.

Nordcloud fully endorses the efforts to start the software revolution for quantum computing. As an organization that has built education as a strategic cornerstone, we are delighted to see the call for more quantum programmers and are providing opportunities for our own experts to learn these skills.

Nordcloud has a tradition in being the service provider for the most advanced technologies in computing and applications, especially in the cloud. Our role as a service provider is to build expertise that ultimately realizes the value of technological innovations, and in the process creates vast numbers of highly skilled professionals. The first actions in upskilling our software development experts for the quantum world have already been taken and in line with the idea of the manifesto, we are committed to continuing these efforts.


Our hyperscale partners Amazon, Google and Microsoft have for years put their faith in Nordcloud to bring their innovations into industrial use. Now as Google and Microsoft are investing massively into quantum computing, we want to be sure to be ready to bring this power to the market as well.

Since current and upcoming quantum computers are rare, expensive pieces of genius hardware, they are uniquely suited to be accessed only through the cloud. In addition to the mentioned hyperscalers, this can already be seen in the go-to-market model and services offered by IBM, Rigetti and D-Wave.

“While the market for quantum application development is still small, we feel that to continue at the forefront of the most important technologies, we want to be a forerunner with quantum computing. This will enable us to best serve our clients in the upcoming revolution and also provide exciting learning paths for our experts.”, Topias Uotila, VP. 


  • Tietokone, Televiestintä, IT


  • quantum
  • computing
  • google
  • aws
  • microsoft


Jan Kritz

Lehdistön yhteyshenkilö CEO Nordcloud +358 50 469 5528