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Record number of alcohol advertisements inspected – fewer rejected

Last year, the Federation of the Brewing and Soft Drinks Industry’s preliminary inspection committee inspected a record number of alcohol advertisements. The committee carried out 153 preliminary inspections of scripts or completed advertisements for alcoholic beverages – twice as many as in 2013. The percentage of rejected material (6.5%) was the lowest ever during the committee’s history. All television commercials and outdoor advertisements for member companies of the Federation of the Brewing and Soft Drinks Industry are inspected before release.

In 2014, the committee inspected 28 television commercials, 110 outdoor advertisements, and 15 scripts. Outdoor advertisements accounted for over 70% of inspections and commercials for about 18%, compared to 47% for outdoor advertisements and 42% for commercials in 2013. Two commercials, seven outdoor advertisements, and one script were rejected.

The Federation of the Brewing and Soft Drinks Industry’s preliminary inspection committee started up in September 2011. In Finland, only material that has passed preliminary inspection is released. The only other countries in the European Union in which preliminary inspections are carried out are the Netherlands, Ireland, and the UK.

New restrictions on alcohol advertising problematic – business perspectives should be considered during law drafting

The brewing trade finds the alcohol advertising restrictions that came into force at the turn of the year to be problematic. The failure of these restrictions indicates that all parties were not sufficiently involved in the drafting of new legislation.

“The prerequisites for businesses to function normally have not been taken into consideration in the amendments to the Alcohol Act. We can’t build this country by unnecessarily hindering companies’ competitiveness or employment opportunities. Closer cooperation with trade and commerce is required when drafting legislation,” says Elina Ussa, Managing Director of the Federation of the Brewing and Soft Drinks Industry.

According to the new restrictions, mild alcoholic beverages cannot be advertised in public places. Such advertisements are also prohibited on television and radio between 7 am and 10 pm, and in the format of prize draws and competitions. Companies may not use materials produced by consumers in social media channels. Outdoor advertisements are still allowed on licensed premises and near retail sales points, and also at festivals and sports events and on international ships and planes. However, trademarks on delivery vehicles have been interpreted as outdoor advertising and banned. The organisations backing the legislation reckon that alcohol advertising encourages young people to drink more and at an earlier age.

“We have no research data whatsoever to indicate that trademarks on delivery vehicles have any effect on alcohol usage among young people or adults,” says Ussa.

In fact, alcohol use among Finnish young people has decreased in recent years, which is an extremely favourable trend. The detrimental effects of alcohol on young people will be prevented not through bans but through creating a responsible drinking culture.

The advertisement of alcoholic beverages does not increase consumption in mature markets – it simply divides the market between players. When the advertising of trademarks is prohibited, the only means left are price campaigns.

The Federation of the Brewing and Soft Drinks Industry’s preliminary inspection committee

Chair Marja-Leena Mansala, Master of Laws trained on the bench, IPR University Center (formerly the intellectual property institute)
Lauri Sipilä
, M.Sc. (Econ.), CEO, The Finnish Marketing Association (MARK)
Tuula Sario
, LL.M, Lawyer-in-Chief, The Consumers’ Association of Finland
Partner Mika Raulas, Lic. (Econ.), ICMI – Intelligent Customer Management International Oy
Jussi Karttunen
, Market Court Judge, Finnish Market Court

The preliminary inspection committee is an independent group whose members have expertise in a range of fields, such as marketing, advertising and law. None of its members may have connections to the Federation of the Brewing and Soft Drinks Industry or its member companies.

Additional information:
Managing Director Elina Ussa, tel. +358 (0)45 269 7711
Communications Manager Outi Heikkinen, tel. +358 (0)50 370 8677

www.panimoliitto.fi, www.kohtuullisesti.fi, www.maljasuomelle.fi
Twitter: @panimoliitto, Facebook: /panimoliitto, Instagram: @panimoliitto


  • Politiikka


  • federation of the brewing and soft drinks industry
  • alcohol advertising

The Federation of the Brewing and Soft Drinks Industry promotes the interests of producers of beer, cider, long drinks, soft drinks and mineral waters in Finland. Its members are Captol Invest Oy, Oy Hartwall Ab, Nokian Panimo Oy, Olvi Oyj, Red Bull Finland Oy, Saimaan Juomatehdas, and Oy Sinebrychoff Ab. The Federation of the Brewing and Soft Drinks Industry operates in connection with the Finnish Food and Drink Industries Federation and represents Finland’s third largest industry in the food and drink branch in terms of the value of production.


Elina Ussa

Lehdistön yhteyshenkilö Toimitusjohtaja 045 269 7711

Outi Heikkinen

Lehdistön yhteyshenkilö Viestintäpäällikkö 050 370 8677