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The Federation of the Brewing and Soft Drinks Industry releases guidelines for lobbying

The Federation of the Brewing and Soft Drinks Industry has released guidelines for its lobbying activities. There have been no such shared guidelines for the industry, even though lobbying has a long history in Finland. The Federation considers it important to engage in public discussion on this issue and wants to present the guidelines that it has committed to.

According to the lobbying guidelines of the Federation of the Brewing and Soft Drinks Industry, when representatives of the Federation meet decision-makers, they will always disclose whom the represent, in which role and with what objectives in mind. The guidelines also state that those being lobbied must not be offered financial benefits with a view to promoting objectives. Events organised for lobbying purposes, and the food and drink served during such events, are not excessive.

The challenge facing all lobbying organisations is to dispel the veil of mystery surrounding their activities. Exercising an influence is vital for democracy – but such efforts must be open and transparent. Openness also includes hearing a broad range of views when preparing legislation.

Cooperation with the business sector is essential in regulatory efforts. The brewing industry is a major employer that has made great investments in Finland. The industry provides direct employment to almost 2,000 people and indirect employment to close to 26,000. The Federation of the Brewing and Soft Drinks Industry urges that Finland should ensure that investing in its brewing industry will continue to make sense. Working with industry is essential for improving the Finnish economy.

“It’s very important to tap into the expertise and experience of the industry. The alcohol advertising act that came into force at the beginning of the year is an example of a poor outcome, as the industry was not consulted for its expertise. It is impossible to monitor social media restrictions. Furthermore, forbidding delivery trucks from displaying brands was an excessive step,” says Elina Ussa, Managing Director of the Federation of the Brewing and Soft Drinks Industry.

Recently, there have been public discussions about lobbyist registers. The Federation of the Brewing and Soft Drinks Industry takes a positive view on establishing a lobbyist register in Parliament.

The lobbying guidelines of the Federation of the Brewing and Soft Drinks Industry:

  • We openly disclose whom we represent and what our objectives are.
  • We take positions on issues in our role as a lobbyist for the brewing industry.
  • We prepare our views with care and act at the right time.
  • We present all the major perspectives on issues, including differing opinions.
  • We do not offer financial or other such benefits to those being lobbied with a view to promoting our objectives.
  • The events we organise, the food and drink we serve and the gifts we give are customary and not excessive.

Additional information:
Managing Director Elina Ussa, tel. +358 (0)45 269 7711
Communications Manager Outi Heikkinen, tel. +358 (0)50 370 8677

www.panimoliitto.fi, www.kohtuullisesti.fi, www.maljasuomelle.fi
Twitter: @panimoliitto, Facebook: /panimoliitto, Instagram: @panimoliitto


  • Media, viestintä


  • federation of the brewing and soft drinks industry

The Federation of the Brewing and Soft Drinks Industry promotes the interests of producers of beer, cider, long drinks, soft drinks and mineral waters in Finland. Its members are Captol Invest Oy, Oy Hartwall Ab, Nokian Panimo Oy, Olvi Oyj, Red Bull Finland Oy, Saimaan Juomatehdas, and Oy Sinebrychoff Ab. The Federation of the Brewing and Soft Drinks Industry operates in connection with the Finnish Food and Drink Industries Federation and represents Finland’s third largest industry in the food and drink branch in terms of the value of production.


Elina Ussa

Lehdistön yhteyshenkilö Toimitusjohtaja 045 269 7711

Outi Heikkinen

Lehdistön yhteyshenkilö Viestintäpäällikkö 050 370 8677