Pressemelding -

Försäkringskassan i Sverige tar datasenteret inn i framtiden med Red Hat

Red Hat har offentliggjort en avtale med den svenske Försäkringskassan (tilsvarende NAV i Norge). De skal implementere Red Hat Enterprise Linux som standard operativsystem, og Red Hat Satellite som løsning for systemadministrasjon. Dette er et ledd i Försäkringskassans strategiske beslutning om å bytte ut myndighetenes eksisterende AIX- og Solaris-baserte datasenterinfrastruktur med en plattform bygget på Red Hats løsninger.

Försäkringskassan forvalter alle statlige trygdesystemer i Sverige. De gir pengestøtte til barnefamilier og personer rammet av uførhet og inntektstap på grunn av yrkesskade eller sykdom. 

Med mer enn 13 000 ansatte er Försäkringskassan en av Sveriges største arbeidsgivere. Försäkringskassan deler IT-ressursene sine med Pensionsmyndigheten, som gjør at de totale utbetalingsbeløpene som håndteres, ligger på rundt 475 milliarder svenske kroner. Det tilsvarer nesten 15 prosent av Sveriges totale BNP.

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Försäkringskassan takes the datacentre into the future with Red Hat

Swedish government agency implements Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Red Hat Satellite to increase performance and cost-efficiency

Red Hat, Inc. (NYSE: RHT), the world’s leading provider of open source solutions, today announced that Försäkringskassan, the Swedish Social Insurance Agency, is implementing Red Hat Enterprise Linux as its operating system and Red Hat Satellite, a system management solution for deploying, scaling and managing Red Hat Enterprise Linux. This implementation is part of a strategic decision by Försäkringskassan to completely replace its existing AIX- and Solaris-based datacentre infrastructure with a platform built on Red Hat’s solutions.

Försäkringskassan manages all public social insurance in Sweden, covering all citizens and providing financial protection and benefits for families and children, persons with a disability and costs or income loss related to work injury, illness or old age. With more than 13,000 employees and administering benefits of close to €28 billion annually, Försäkringskassan is one of the largest public institutions in Sweden. Försäkringskassan shares its IT resources with the national retirement benefit agency Pensionsmyndigheten, administrating another €24 billion in benefits through its datacentres, amounting to nearly 15 percent of Sweden’s gross national product (GNP).

The deployment of Red Hat solutions is part of the agency’s strategic IT roadmap, with the end goal of achieving a more efficient server platform through standardization on an x86 platform. Following a comprehensive study, a decision was made in late 2012 to standardize agency servers and modernize the entire datacentre, from new server halls to offering platform-as-a-service (PaaS) and infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) solutions with a high degree of automation. Driving this decision was the agency’s desire  to achieve a cohesive environment with fewer  heterogeneous platforms, technologies and vendors for more efficient management.

Försäkringskassan will use Red Hat Enterprise Linux as the organization’s standard operating system for its datacentre and Red Hat Satellite for management. Red Hat Enterprise Linux provides Försäkringskassan with a secure, cost-effective and stable platform that meets the agency’s requirements in an easy-to-deploy, efficient and scalable package with a reputation for reliability. Furthermore, Red Hat Enterprise Linux meets the needs of the modern datacentre, enabling automated Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) and Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) services.

Platform management through Red Hat Satellite adds powerful systems administration tools for management, provisioning and monitoring the datacenter infrastructure. While implementation is still an ongoing process, the agency has already experienced both improved performance with a 50 percent reduction in response time on comparable hardware, and cost efficiency of up to 90 percent. The new server platform is expected to be fully implemented across the agency in 2015.

In addition to embracing Red Hat solutions, Försäkringskassan also uses Red Hat Training and Red Hat Consulting Services to help its workforce maximize the full functionality of the new systems, and to provide infrastructure checks, as well as the review and analysis of new IT projects.

Supporting Quotes

Anders Lemon, CTO, Försäkringskassan
“The objectives of the strategic decision to replace our datacentre infrastructure were to find a cost-efficient solution that delivers high-performance and flexibility to enable converged infrastructure with high reliability. A key driver in our decision to select Red Hat was to avoid the risk of vendor lock-in. Red Hat has delivered in all respects. The work began in 2013 and all migration to date has been completed smoothly. The applications run with halved response time on comparable hardware – and at one tenth of the previous cost.”

Jimmy Sköldberg, regional director, Nordics, Red Hat
"Försäkringskassan’s decision to standardize on Red Hat Enterprise Linux is testament to the strength of Red Hat’s offering. As one of the largest public institutions in Sweden, Försäkringskassan faces extremely high demands on performance and availability, both internally and from end users. With Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Red Hat Satellite providing the backbone for modernized and future-looking services, Försäkringskassan continues its mission to be at the forefront of Swedish e-government in terms of usability and access.” 


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  • försäkringskassan
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  • red hat enterprise linux
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