Pressemelding -

STEMMER IMAGING purchase Image House A/S

Image House A/S is amongst the most well established companies within the European business of industrial video inspection, also called machine vision. The company is located in Copenhagen, Denmark, and has been reselling components and industrial vision systems in Denmark for 29 years. Prior to this acquisition, STEMMER IMAGING and Image House have successfully collaborated for many years as Image House distributes STEMMER IMAGING’s components.

Effective from the 1st of April 2015 STEMMER IMAGING Denmark acquires 100 percent of Image House A/S. Hans Steenberg, the founder of Image House A/S, will oversee the transfer to STEMMER IMAGING: He stays with the company as Managing Director until the 31st of March 2015. After that he will still be available as a resource when needed. From the 1st of April 2015, STEMMER IMAGING in Denmark will be managed by Managing Director Peter Trollsås.

Current Image House Marketing Manager Annette Runge will continue in the new organization as Office Manager and will onwards be responsible for the daily administration of the Danish office. Karsten Nielsen, currently responsible for the STEMMER IMAGING sales office in Denmark continues as Sales Manager for component sales within the new organization. He shares the role as Sales Manager with Image House Sales Manager Mick Pelby, who will be responsible for solution sales. Both are carrying many years of experience which will now be united within the new organization.

"The acquisition of Image House A/S by STEMMER IMAGING has been under consideration for some time. It is an expected and natural move for STEMMER IMAGING after the acquisition of the similar company Parameter AB in Sweden", says Hans Steenberg. "The employees of Image House A/S will find a new home in a bigger organization with the world´s largest portfolio of imaging products and services. Our customers will benefit from STEMMER IMAGING’s larger product range, high stock level and superior level of competence which is now combined with the Image House high standards providing turn-key vision solutions for end users, OEM’s and integrators. Image House Holding A/S will concentrate its focus on the remaining affiliates in the group including IHFood A/S, Image House PantoInspect A/S and IHPostal A/S.”

According to Christof Zollitsch, Managing Director of the STEMMER IMAGING head office, the Danish machine vision market is an interesting one with good growing perspectives: “We already had invested in spreading our sales territory in northern Europe with the acquisition of the Swedish company Parameter AB in 2014 who had a small sales team in Denmark. Adding the machine vision expertise and the deep local Danish market know-how of the Image House experts will dramatically increase our presence and service offering in that country. In the new setup, STEMMER IMAGING will be able to provide its unique product portfolio and service range to Danish machine vision users. This will support Danish users of machine vision technology to raise their competitive advantage.”

STEMMER IMAGING started its European activities in 2004 with the integration of a British company and the establishment of a subsidiary in Switzerland. Expansions in France and Benelux followed in 2005 and 2012. In 2014, STEMMER IMAGING acquired Parameter AB and opened offices in Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Poland. STEMMER IMAGING now serves 19 European countries. More than 220 employees provide reliable customer service in all areas related to imaging and machine vision.


  • Vitenskap, teknikk

STEMMER IMAGING is Europe's largest imaging technology provider with head office in Germany (Puchheim near Munich) and subsidiaries in many European countries. Our mission is to provide the users and developers of imaging technology with competitive advantage by adding value in the supply of quality components, expertise and support.


Peter Trollsås

Pressekontakt CEO +46 8 555 110 22

Fredrik Wikfeldt

Pressekontakt COO +46 8 555 110 23