Press release -

Resorts Bring Financial Relief to Local Economies; Lloydshare Offers Security to Travelers

A growing body of evidence is suggesting that Americans are becoming wise to the levels of corruption in many charitable organizations throughout the world.  Recent reports indicate that even official overseas aid donated at a national level can be misused and actually perpetuate the nightmare horror-stories in some war-torn parts of the world.

Some leading figures are now complaining that a lot of charities are nothing more than rip-offs, and warning that many innocent Americans are being duped by unscrupulous organizations that masquerade under the guise of caring for their fellow man.   Be warned that some charities take your money, but you should not trust or believe necessarily that your money is being well spent.  Alarms are sounding, telling us all to watch out for the fraudsters, beware of the scams, the lies, and the tugs on the heart-strings.

So how can we help with confidence?  World leaders are emphasizing that what can truly help support and develop a poor economy is tourism.  The constant supply of repeat visitors guaranteed by Vacation Ownership Resorts is particularly beneficial to any local area.  It provides for an enormously wide range of employment, and allows local business acumen and experience to grow over a substantial period, as ownership is typically of 25 years duration.   Visitors at ground level are seeing this local effect and are increasingly choosing to direct their cash at vacation ownership investments, because they know that this has much more meaning for the local community than leaving a few dollars in the church poor box.

One leading voice closely affiliated with the timeshare industry, Lloydshare Limited Incorporated, fully supports these findings.  Lloydshare is at the forefront of the widely acclaimed deferred annuity program, and is the largest and most successful company of its kind worldwide.   Fully independent of all Vacation Resorts, Lloydshare’s marketing strategy ensures that its clients are afforded time and privacy to discuss their vacation property purchase shortly after the vacationer has returned home.  The Lloydshare finance wizards help support the cost of ownerships long term with a guaranteed cash payout, subject to terms and conditions.

Top sales executive Gina Martin reports that, increasingly, Americans who purchase Vacation Ownership are seeing it as “giving something back to the community” in an area they have long enjoyed visiting.   The lightening success of Lloydshare’s award winning Deferred Annuity package has resulted in startling levels of expansion for this trailblazing young company and, as a result, they are now offering preferred customers an option to take out annuities on existing as well as new Vacation Ownerships.

It is these seasoned customers, coming back to do repeat business with Lloydshare, who are commenting about charity to Gina.  “So many people can see that their whole resort area has got classier and classier since when they first got their vacation ownership.   These owners have known local people for years,“ she explains, “and it’s the local shops and restaurants and supermarkets which are growing and expanding.   The children look better fed and the people look happier.  So many good hearted vacationers want to give, but some of our very wealthy and switched-on clients have had serious doubts over charities, as well as bad experiences.”

Gina is one of a large team at Lloydshare, which deals with Timeshare and Vacation Ownership customers worldwide, and speak with thousands of American clients each year.   That experience means Lloydshare is uniquely well placed to comment with authority on what the new Vacation Property owners are feeling

“In the current worldwide economic downturn, these small successful businesses are exactly what economies need, and our clients love their resort areas!   That’s why they purchased, after all, and they know the area depends on their spending power!   They know that locals businesses move with that dollar.   Many of our fabulously wealthy clients love to know the money they spend has a realtime local benefit, a benefit they can see and share each year.”     Gina chuckles, “I guess they love even more the fact that they will get the whole cost of their purchase back from Lloydshare when the Deferred Annuity matures!"

But she reflects, "It‘s made me think twice about blindly and thoughtlessly giving to charity.    Isn't it great that, instead of some anonymous donation, doing your bit for poorer communities can be as simple and pleasurable as taking a great vacation?   Everybody wins!”


  • Vacation


  • deferred annuities
  • fraud
  • investment property
  • lloydshare
  • scam
  • timeshare
  • vacation properties

Lloydshare - The global leader in deferred annuities linked to vacation properties.