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Major Update For “Core Organizer” App Announced By Danbo Pty Ltd

Danbo Pty Ltd are pleased to announce a major upgrade to “Core Organizer” for iOS and Android. The new update is available via the App Store and Google Play.

Core Organizer is an organizer, journal and note-taker which is simple to use but comprehensive. It caters for most dimensions of a person’s life. Instead of having 10 apps, for things such as Health, Travel etc, Core Organizer harnesses these dimensions into 1 app. There are other apps which do part of this but not all, and none in a simple but comprehensive way. Core Organizer aims to be for everyones private life what Facebook is for their public life.

It’s developer, Alan Mitchell, commented that “We are overwhelmed by information but can't access what is important to us. Core Organizer fixes the problem by enabling a user to capture their core private information in themed silos for day to day activities such as your house, finances, sporting events, collections, health information, travel, books, films, music and private thoughts. Core Organizer fills an unmet niche in its simplicity but comprehensiveness.

The word “Core Organizer” derives from the latin, Cor, which means the centre or heart of things, and Core Organizer seeks to capture for a user that which is central to their life”.

Details of upgrade

The major upgrade includes the following:
• A user can now access inputted information across multiple devices by synchronising between them (this function is an in-app purchase). This involved a major piece of programming using Amazon S3 technology
• It is now in 6 languages
• It has new lists, improved graphics and functionality

Recognition for Core Organizer

The previous version of the app was featured (as one of only 3 apps) in Virgin Australia’s in-flight magazine last October and earlier last year it was featured on the App Store as one of the best new apps in its category (Productivity).

“Core Organizer”, the great way to organize and store personal information, is available now in the App Store at:

A dedicated Android version is also available via Google Play at:

Developer, Alan Mitchell, can be contacted via the website, email or phone +61409003519

About Danbo Pty Ltd
Based in Australia and founded by lawyer and app developer Alan Mitchell, Danbo Pty Ltd develop apps with the philosophy to be comprehensive and yet simple-to-use.
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