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New No-Cost App “Being Unique” from KenTech is an Inspiring, Uplifting, Empowering & Essential Resource for the LGBT Community

In the ever-expanding app universe, there is certainly a need for apps that are addictively fun, powerfully productive, and so on. However, in the midst of this digital frenzy, we sometimes forget that apps can also be created to profoundly change lives, communities -- and even the world. And the latest illustration of this principle is the inspiring, uplifting, empowering and essential app Being Unique by KenTech.

Available at no cost from Google Play and launching very shortly in the App Store, Being Unique features exclusive advice, suggestions, guidance, tips, life hacks and other meaningful content designed for people in and supporters of the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) community. While there is already a huge database of curated information available, users don’t have to worry about running out of reading material, since new content is posted on a daily basis. The streamlined interface also makes navigating the app quick and easy.

What’s more, Being Unique offers a special email service that is monitored 24/7 by caring, compassionate and empathetic representatives, who respond to questions and provide advice to users on a wide range of issues -- everything from how to deal with bullying at school or work, where to find support resources in the community, how to get involved in awareness-raising events or, better yet, start one of their own, and so on. Users can also simply send an email when they need a shoulder to lean on and aren’t sure where to turn.

And on top of this, users can access Being Unique’s integrated streaming music function to enjoy their favorite tunes while reading articles or emailing representatives. It’s a thoughtful enhancement to what is already a very useful app.

“Our vision is to create a supportive and life-changing app for people of all ages in the vibrant and growing LGBT community,” commented Ken of KenTech. “At the same time, we want to spread awareness of LGBT issues, and help more people appreciate and respect what makes the LGBT community unique, special, dynamic and vital!”

Added Ken: “We also plan on launching an in-app online social network, where Being Unique users can communicate to share support, build friendships, collaborate, and have fun. This great new feature should be available later in 2015”.

Being Unique, the new no-cost app that is an inspiring, uplifting, empowering and essential resource for the LGBT community, is available now from Google Play at As noted above, an iOS version is in the final stages of development and will be published in the App Store in the very near future.

For additional app information visit Users and supporters are also invited to visit KenTech’s LGBT News Facebook page at, which is a community and cause page that features updated information for the LGBT community worldwide.

For all other details including media inquiries, contact Mark Johnson on behalf of KenTech at +1 408 757 0156 or press(at)appshout(dot)com.

About KenTech

We are a small US company built under the code of equality for all. This is what our app is about, all we want to do is provide the LGBT community with resources like articles, counselling, and provide a way for the users to interact with one another. Thats our goal and we believe that we will become the first LGBT app to ever reach the Top Ten hottest apps on Google Play & iOS App Store.

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