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New No-Cost App “Talk To Me” from GSoft LLC Lets People Send & Receive Voice Messages Without Typing or Viewing Screen

People in search of a simpler, smarter and safer way to stay connected with their friends -- or even conveniently capture their own ideas, reflections and reminders -- can now download the unique new no-cost Android app Talk To Me from GSoft LLC. 

What immediately separates Talk To Me from conventional communication apps is that it features a genius shake-to-enter “Talk Mode” that audibly tells users where they are in the app, so they never have to look at their device’s screen. As such, whenever they wish and wherever they are, users can easily and safely send accurate, detailed voice messages of any desired length -- from seconds to minutes. They can also listen and record voice messages through a paired Bluetooth device, which is ideal (and in some jurisdictions required by law) while driving.

And aside from the obvious time-saving benefits, Talk To Me also puts an end to typos, spelling mistakes or other errors that can make text-based communication tedious and confusing; especially on devices with less-than-functional keyboard or keypads.

Furthermore, as noted above, users don’t have to send all of their voice messages to individuals or groups. They can also send voice messages to themselves on anything they wish: from an inspiring business idea, to a more ordinary (but nevertheless important) reminder to pick up milk on the way home, and so on.

While Talk To Me’s essential purpose is to liberate users from having to stare at their screen, those that choose not to activate the “Talk Mode” are given a refreshingly intuitive series of controls: a left or right swipe changes menus, and an up or down swipe scrolls through messages. Users can also start and stop a recording with one tap, or cancel it altogether with a swipe or shake.

Other Talk To Me special features include:

> Voice message meta data that includes: the name of the sender, the name of the receiver, when the message was recorded, and the length of the message.
> An editable contacts list that includes the names of people who’ve sent messages, their email address, how many messages they’ve sent in total, and how many of their messages are new.
> The ability to pause messages during playback, as well as rewind/forward to any spot.
> A one-tap reply button to respond to messages.
> A group option to send the same message to multiple people.

“Talk To Me has been designed as a truly hands-free voice messaging solution that gives people a simpler, smarter and safer way to stay in touch with the people in their lives, as well as keep themselves more organized,” commented Greg Stander of GSoft LLC. “The positive feedback the app has generated so far has been incredible, and we’re already hard at work on new features and updates!”

Talk To Me, the new app that lets people send and receive voice messages without typing or viewing their screen, is available now at no-cost from Google Play at

For all other information or media inquiries, contact Mark Johnson on behalf of GSoft LLC at +1 408 757 0156 or press (at)appshout(dot)com.

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  • PR, Communication

About GSoft LLC:

Founded in 2007, GSoft LLC is a software development company specializing in creating Android apps which communicate using a wide range of Cloud services. Located in San Diego, California, USA GSoft LLC are available for consulting, design and development services.