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New No-Cost “Icon Rush” by RappTech B.V. is a Challenging & Fun Puzzle Game Worthy of Tetris-Level Addiction

A little over 30 years ago, Tetris arrived on the scene and turned millions of ordinary people into full-fledged addicts who played, slept, ate and even dreamed the legendary shape-shifting game. Well, fast forward a few decades, and development company RappTech B.V. has created a challenging and fun new game that is arguably the first one in recent memory that is worthy of Tetris-level addiction: Icon Rush. 

Available at no-cost for iOS, Icon Rush is brilliantly simple: gamers must make combinations of at least three icons on a 4x5 grid, either by matching the same letter, the same badge number, or the same color. Combinations can be made horizontally, vertically and diagonally, and to be successful gamers must rely on their spatial awareness and calculation skills.

Aside from its intuitive gameplay and the Tetris-like euphoria that erupts when a trio of similar icons is successfully combined, Icon Rush has been beautifully designed with rich, vivid colors that are pleasant, soothing and fun. The music and sound effects are also well-chosen, and can be muted for gamers who are playing late at night, on a flight, at work, or anyplace else. There’s also a high score counter and a badge score for gamers to keep track of their progress, and give them something to aim for when it’s time for a new game.

“Icons and badges are everywhere around us, and our lives are increasingly being influenced by them,” commented Rogier van Vliet of RappTech B.V. “Now with Icon Rush, people of all ages -- from 8 to 88 -- can play with them and have some fun, while they build their spatial awareness and calculation skills!”

Icon Rush, the challenging and fun puzzle game that is worthy of Tetris-level addiction, is available now for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch from the App Store at The app is available to download at no-cost.

For all other information including media inquiries, contact Mark Johnson on behalf of RappTech B.V. at +1 408 757 0156 or press(at)appshout(dot)com.

About RappTech B.V.

Based in Reeuwijk, the Netherlands and incorporated in July 2013, RappTech B.V. designs, develops and crafts applications for mobile devices. With a philosophy of making great games that combine tough challenges with fun gameplay, their various titles, including "Badger?", “Raptris”, “Clever Mower” and “Icon Rush” showcase this ethos with addictive logic based puzzle solving, and colorful presentation.
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