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The 'Sustainability Compass' available now on the Apple App Store and Google Play

How can a person become more sustainable? This new app for projects asks the questions that help figure it out.

The Sustainability Compass, launched on both iTunes and Google Play is thought provoking - it offers users a chance to think out-of-the box about new projects. For instance, if the user is moving to a new apartment, the app features various not-so-usual categories worth considering - like health, fossil fuels, creation, and environmental protection. Under each category that the user chooses, questions about sustainability and human needs are offered that are related to the project, which inspires critical thought towards smart planning and action. After all, the best way to innovate intelligent ideas and action is to contemplate the whole picture.

A cool addition that comes with this app is a deck of downloadable, printable cards that can be used in a classroom, meeting or workshop to get people to expand their creative capacities in groups. People using the app and cards can then share their Sustainability Compass user experience and ideas on the app Guest Book.

The app was developed through an innovative collaboration between mdii GmbH, The Natural Step network and distinguished design and sustainability experts.

Matthias Müller, app designer and innovation consultant, says:  "This app builds on what I have learned through my years of project and product innovation consulting experience - ask people intelligent questions and they will dig deep to come up with great answers that can generate productive thought and action."

Karl-Henrik Robèrt, Founder of The Natural Step, Blue Planet Prize recipient & Ashoka Fellow commented:

"Modern science has shown that the world we live in is unsustainable. The problem is, how do we reach out to create communities of people who are willing to do something about it ? The Sustainability Compass app does it by asking smart questions which inspire for smarter actions. I appreciate its directness and simplicity."

Alexandre Magnin, graphical artist of Sustainability Illustrated, has just premiered his awesome videos about the Sustainability Compass app on You Tube -  view them at:

Available on iTunes for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch (requires iOS 7.0 or up):  

Available on GooglePlay for Android (Requires Android 4.0 and up):

English version

German version

Sustainability Compass is available as a free download for a limited time.

About Mensch Design Innovation GmbH
Matthias Mueller is founder of Mensch Design Innovation GmbH (mdii). Mdii is a Swiss consultancy specialized in applying the human-centered design approach. Be it a process, a service, a product or an enterprise strategy: human needs always drive analysis, development and action on the market. Mdii is partner of The Natural Step which is a global network of NGO’s, BCorps, sustainability consultants, researchers and educators. Its aim is to promote a prosperous society and economy which profits from accepting nature’s limits.

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