Press release -

European Earthship Lecture Tour with Michael Reynolds

Internationally recognized architect, innovator and creator of Earthship Biotecture in Europe.

This spring Michael Reynolds will be hosting a series of lectures about Earthships in multiple cities around Europe.

This is an effort to share 40 years of research and development on self-sufficient housing with the masses.

The lectures are structured as a 1-day seminar in each European city (see dates below). Many concepts and issues within sustainability will be discussed but the main focus is on the concepts of Biotecture and the six core principals of the Earthship model.

DATES; MAY 10 - 27, 2014:

  - May 10 - Vila Nova de Famalicão, Art house - Portugal, 15 min from Porto

  - May 17 - Oradea University - Romania, Oradea

  - May 21 - Acquaworld - Italy, Milano

  - May 24 - Berlin University of the Arts - Germany, Berlin

 -  May 27 - Freiburg, Germany


  - Biotecture - Incorporating Biology into Architecture
  - Water catchment from rain and snow 
  - Heating and cooling via thermal mass
  - Electricity from the sun and wind
  - Contained sewage treatment on site
  - Interior food production in -indoor greenhouses
  - Building with natural and recycled materials


  -- 09:00 to 12:00 -- Morning Session: Lectures by Michael Reynolds

  -- 12:00 to 13:00 -- Lunch break

  -- 13.00 to 17.00 -- Afternoon Session: Lectures by Michael Reynolds

  * Note! Both the morning and the afternoon session will include two 5 min breaks each.

TICKETS AND MORE INFO: For tickets and more info about the individual seminars in each city visit The Earthship Store.

PRESS CONTACT: Mehdi Nodehi, mobile; + 46 736 89 65 19, 

ORGANIZERS: Earthship Biotecture Europe (aka Team Europe), which is a network consisting of:  Earthship Biotecture Sweden in close co-operation with Earthship Biotecture HQ, Earthship Biotecture Germany, Earthship Biotecture Portugal, Earthship Romania and Earthship Italy. 


  • Architecture


  • vila nova de famalicão
  • porto
  • milan
  • berlin
  • oradea
  • university of the arts
  • european tour event
  • european lecture tour
  • earthship biotecture
  • europe
  • european tour
  • architecture
  • michael reynolds
  • sustainable lifestyles
  • sustaiability
  • self sustainable living
  • eco living
  • eco house
  • earthship biotecture sweden
  • earthship global
  • eco region
  • earth house
  • earhship event
  • university of oradea


Earthship Biotecture Europe (aka Team Europe) was formed as a natural follow up step to an earlier 3-day Earthship workshop in Stockholm with Michael Reynolds, attended by people from all around Europe. Earthship Biotecture (EB) Portugal, EB Germany & Earthship Romania was started up, and the idea of a European Earthship Lecture Tour was born.

Earthships are self-sufficient buildings made from natural and recycled materials. These buildings heat and cool themselves, produce all their own electric power with solar and wind, harvest, treat and reuse their own water and have an integrated south-facing greenhouse for year around indoor food production.

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