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CryptTalk, a Swedish-Hungarian startup launched their secure telecommunication service, affordable for personal use, today at MWC

With the latest version of CryptTalk, now released for personal use, anyone can easily maintain the security of their own mobile conversations and ensure privacy.

On March 2nd, CryptTalk, the premium call encryption service, became available to personal users. It offers a standard package free of charge and a premium service package for $9.99 per month. The latest version of this award-winning application and technology was released by Stockholm-based Arenim Technologies at the largest annual European technological event, The Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. 

-The appearance of CryptTalk on the consumer market is a huge step forward in terms of mobile security. The fact that users can achieve the maximum level of protection after only two quick steps, downloading and registering, will bring about significant changes in the field of personal data protection, emphasized Szabolcs Kun, the Co-Founder & CEO of Arenim Technologies.
-The new, personal-use version of the application offers the same level of protection as the PRO version provides to enterprises. Moreover, personal users can have a free trial period of 30 days and then they can decide either to subscribe to the full service with unlimited outgoing calls or to continue using CryptTalk in ”passive status”, which means they can still receive fully protected calls or messages from active CryptTalk users.

At the end of the 30 day trial of our secure phone and anti-eavesdropping service, personal users can subscribe at a much lower price than our corporate clients can, this service costing only $9.99/month. For this monthly fee, unlimited free secure encrypted calls and encrypted text message are provided over Wi-Fi and mobile internet networks without additional per minute call costs. 

The application was designed in such a way that potential hackers won't be able to break in, even if they had access to CryptTalk's system plans or the source code. Even we, the developers of CryptTalk cannot gain access to private user data. ”The operation of the application only requires an internet connection and an iPhone or iPad. Based on the success of this latest personal-use version, we will consider expanding the application to other platforms; the next platform will be the Windows Phone.” said Szabolcs Kun.

After winning numerous prizes, in September 2014 Arenim Technologies was named one of the 40 most promising mobile technology companies in the world by CTIA (The Wireless Association).

In 2014, links has been created with the Privacy, Security & Trust Action Line of the EIT ICT Labs and the plan is to reach an intensive cooperation with EIT ICT Labs´ Business Development Accelerator in order to foster access to customers and access to finance.


CryptTalk is a unique call encryption service developed by the Swedish firm Arenim Technologies. The solution uses the most secure and widely accepted industrial technologies in order to perfectly secure phone calls and text messages. CryptTalk provides legal solutions which enable users to deny access to unwanted third parties hoping to hack into their personal and corporate communications. With its operation center in Stockholm, Arenim Technologies runs as a global IT company. By the beginning of 2013, CryptTalk's voice engine had already processed over 100 million calls. In 2014, CTIA ranked Arenim Technologies among the top 40 most promising mobile technology companies in the world. For more information please visit: and visit stand CS69 at the MWC2015. 

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  • Science, technology


  • crypttalk
  • service
  • launch
  • mwc2015
  • swedish
  • hungarian
  • barcelona
  • security and privacy

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EIT ICT Labs is a pan-European education and research-based innovation organisation founded on excellence. The mission of EIT ICT Labs is to drive European leadership in ICT innovation for economic growth and quality of life. EIT ICT Labs is a Knowledge and Innovation Community of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology. By linking education, research and business, EIT ICT Labs empowers ICT top talents for the future and brings ICT innovations to life.

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