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Tinnitracks reimbursement in Germany

Sonormed the company behind Tinnitracks, member of the EIT Digital Health and Wellbeing Business Community and coached by the EIT Digital Business Accelerator, has good news for German tinnitus patients. Starting today, Techniker Krankenkasse (TK), the largest statutory health insurance company in Germany, takes over the costs for Tinnitracks as a digital therapy app to battle suffering from tinnitus. Joerg Land, CEO Sonormed, says: “Thanks to EIT Digitals’ strong support and Sonormed being a part of the EIT Digital leading European innovation network, we could make valuable contacts and advance our technology. This provided a sound basis that facilitated the TK commitment to take over the costs for patients who use the Tinnitracks as its first reimbursed app. This is a major breakthrough as it paves the way for other German insurances to follow suit. I hope also that it will have an impact in other European countries. For instance, the cross border health directive.”

The TK program starts in Hamburg. Participating ENT doctors are now able to prescribe Tinnitracks as an integral part of their patients’ tinnitus therapy. The health insurance company will provide patients with a payment card that they can use to activate the app after downloading it. The treatment will run for a year, initially. For tinnitus sufferers the reimbursement is a real breakthrough, which provides them with access to a scientifically proven therapy option. It is also a milestone for Tinnitracks developer Sonormed as it confirms the high quality development work behind Tinnitracks and speaks for the innovational strength of digital health solutions.

Find out more (in German): On the website of Techniker Krankenkasse

Treat tinnitus with your favourite music!

Tinnitracks is a web application which allows you to filter your music in order to use it for a new tinnitus therapy that is endorsed by the latest neuroscientific findings. Tinnitracks also highlights your music with a high therapeutic potential thanks to the individual analysis of every single file.

While different types of therapy used in the past generally only treat the symptoms of tinnitus, Tinnitracks targets the cause of your tinnitus by simply letting you listen to your music after it has been filtered. Tinnitus is caused by abnormally hyperactive nerve cells in the brain's auditory center. This hyperactivity can be soothed by listening to the individualized filtered music which leads to a long-term tinnitus relief.

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  • Health, Health Care, Pharmaceuticals


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  • europe
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  • business
  • start-ups
  • entrepreneurship
  • tinnitus

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EIT Digital* is a leading European open innovation organisation. Our mission is to foster digital technology innovation and entrepreneurial talent for economic growth and quality of life in Europe. We bring together entrepreneurs from a partnership of over 130 top European corporations, SMEs, start-ups, universities and research institutes.

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