Press release -

Getting nurses with degrees from abroad faster into the Swedish job market

In the spring of 2018, the University of Gävle will offer additional training for nurses with degrees from countries outside EU/ESS/Switzerland.

The Swedish Government has commissioned several higher learning institutions to develop new supplementary programmes for people with degrees from abroad. This programme should give the insights, understanding and knowledge necessary for working as a nurse in Sweden.

Such supplementary programmes have been available several years at the Karolinska Institutet and at Gothenburg University. Now, more higher learning institutions, namely the University of Gävle, Linnaeus University and Luleå University of Technology, will join forces and offer programmes starting in the spring of 2018.

They are nurses already

The programme is one year long and contains both theory and clinical training.

“You have to remember that these individuals are nurses already. So, what we would like to convey is how things are done here in Sweden; how to give information, and what rights the patient has,” says Bernice Skytt, who is in charge of the nursing programmes at the University of Gävle.

The programme

When it comes to the theory, the participants will meet here in Gävle. There will be many seminars where matters will be discussed with course coordinators and other lecturers. The University will also make use of its new clinical practice rooms.

“In this manner, the students get to try out their knowledge and also practice their skills in the Swedish language in discussions. All course literature is in Swedish on purpose. “

The University of Gävle will get 20 places and will also welcome individuals from neighbouring counties.

“Uppsala, Dalarna and Sörmland will help with field placements places. This will make things easier for the students, as they may get jobs where they live.”

A good feeling

“I am very pleased that we have been given this opportunity to help those with degrees from other countries. They get to use their skills and are able to start working within their profession, while we gain more nurses out in the field,” Bernice Skytt says.

“We are looking for more nurses and see this initiative as a good way to obtaining a Swedish license. The job market is very good,” says Jens Kandén, talent strategist at Region Gävleborg.

To study this programme, you need to have completed a post-secondary nursing programme in a country outside EU/ESS and Switzerland. You also need a decision from the National Board of Health and Welfare concerning assessment of your education. In addition, you also need to have a pass (no lower than a grade E) in Swedish B or Swedish 3 in accordance with general entry requirements for first-cycle courses and study programmes.

You apply to the programme no later than 16 October at The following documents need to be enclosed: CV, Diploma in Nursing, decision from the National Board of Health and Welfare regarding assessment of your education and a transcript of record for your grade in Swedish B or Swedish 3.

For more information, please contact:
Bernice Skytt, senior lecturer in medical and nursing science at the University of Gävle
Tel: 026-64 82 85

Text: Douglas Öhrbom


  • University, University College


  • sustainable living environment
  • migration
  • inclusion
  • nurces
  • additional training for nurses
  • university of gävle

Education and Research at a Scenic Campus.
The University of Gävle has approximately 17 000 students, more than 50 study programmes and second-cycle programmes, about 1 000 courses in humanities, social and natural sciences and technology.

Research Profiles
Built Environment and Health-promoting Working Life are the general research profiles of the higher education institution. Important parts included are Spatial Planning with a specialisation in Sustainable Built Environment and Musculoskeletal Disorders with the purpose to prevent work-related injuries. In 2010, the higher education institution received permission to carry out third-cycle programmes in the profile area of Built Environment.
The higher education institution has applied for permission to carry out third-cycle programmes in technology, humanities and social sciences.