Press release -

To what degree are youths willing to engage themselves in democratic activities?

The researchers Jan Grannäs (University of Gävle) and Pia Nyman-Kurkiala (Åbo Academy) has been granted 820 000 Swedish Krona for a pilot-study about youths conditions, opportunities and knowledge to allow for a contributing democratic citizenship.

Why have you chosen this area, Jan Grannäs?

- It is an important area. It is about the foundation of democracy, the currently growing up generation’s preparation for an active citizenship.

Are there any signs that the interest in democratic engagement amongst youth is decreasing?

- No, the interest stays the same; there is a will to participate, but today it comes from different channels. One-question movements often create large engagement such as for example groups like Amnesty, Greenpeace, Animal rights etc.

 - We hope to get a better grasp on the knowledge to action.

The social sustainability

Comparisons will be made between regions in Sweden, Finland and Norway with focus on the
social sustainability’s meaning, especially for equality, elderly and diversity aspects.

Youth’s democratic basic principles

The aim is to increase the knowledge about youth’s conditions, attitudes, background and knowledge to further ensure the quality of the political work with children and youths in the regions.

Furthermore, both of the researchers want to contribute with enhanced knowledge about the educational system’s fundamental assignment to prepare children and Young people for a participating citizenship in relation to the results from the regions LUPP results.

The study is based on comparative analyzes of data from the national LUPP investigations
(LUPP, lokal uppföljning av ungdomspoitiken – Monitoring of the local youth politics)

The study was financed by funding from the regions of Gävleborg, Österbottens förbunda and Botania-Atlantica programmet (EU).





For more information, please contact:
Jan Grannäs, lecturer in didactics at the University of Gävle
Phone: 026-648497


  • Education


  • university of gävle
  • swedish teachers
  • democratic activities
  • youths
  • jan grannäs
  • pia nyman-kurkiala