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Hudevad Care Hosts Event on "Hygienic Heating Solutions" in Vilnius, Lithuania

Hospital Acquired Infections (HAI) is a worldwide problem that affects all countries. It is estimated that in Denmark every year 3,000 people die in hospitals due to infections. According to statistics with a 3.5% infection rate, Lithuania also faced with this problem.

Hudevad Care A/S are pleased that we can invite you to a presentation of "Hygienic Heating Systems" and an open discussion of the problems of infections - causes, consequences and possible solutions.

The seminar includes the following topics:

14:00 Welcome by Ambassador H.E. Dan E. Frederiksen

14:15 "Hygiene and hospital acquired infections in terms of micro-organisms" by Ph.d. in Molecular Microbiology, Pia Kiil Nielsen

15:30 "Hygienic heating solutions for better healthcare environments" by Business Development Manager, Dorthe Nissen Nielsen

16:15 Q&A

Networking and individual meetings.


  • Epidemics


  • lithuania
  • healthcare
  • heating
  • infection
  • hospitals


Dorthe Nissen Nielsen

Press contact Business Development Manager +45 65680205

Rikke Boel Olesen

Press contact Head of Marketing & Communication +45 2758 0283

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