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Jönköping University highly ranked in new index for internationalization

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Jönköping University highly ranked in new index for internationalization

Stint, the Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education, recently launched an index for measuring the level of internationalization in Swedish universities. Jönköping University gets 4 out of 5 stars, and holds the same position as, among others, Karolinska Institutet, Chalmers University of Technology and the universities of Lund and Uppsala.

Internationalization is an important tool for the development of Swedish universities, and STINT calls on all actors in higher education and research to intensify their work towards internationalization.

STINT launches its internationalization index in order to measure the degree of internationalization in higher education in Sweden. The index describes the development of six key aspects of the internationalization of research, training, and staff and management. It covers the years 2011 - 2014 and 28 Swedish universities.

Jönköping University has a focus on internationalization in various forms written into the university's long-term strategies.

“The international profile is strategic for the university and useful for our students, teachers, researchers and partners. We must be able to respond to external demands for international competitiveness”, says Principal Anita Hansbo.

Internationalization means that the recruitment base for both students and researchers is widened, and revenues from fee-paying students helps the university to grow and evolve. Students become prepared for an international professional life, and get intercultural skills useful for working life in Sweden and abroad. Teachers and researchers are given access to international networks and the ability to follow international research and development.

“The internationalization of higher education is important in a wider perspective as well. More than ever, we see the significance of building bridges through international education, providing new knowledge and create global citizens who solve challenges across borders”, says Anita Hansbo.


Jönköping University Foundation is one of three independent institutions of higher education in Sweden offering postgraduate programmes. It is characterised by focused profiles, internationalisation, an entrepreneurial spirit and collaboration with surrounding society. Research and education are carried out at four schools: Jönköping International Business School, School of Education and Communication, School of Engineering and School of Health and Welfare. Jönköping University has some 10,000 registered students, 725 employees and a turnover of approximately SEK 800 million.


Sophie Liljefall

Press contact Communications officer +46 36 10 18 16

Jönköping University is a young professional-oriented university characterised by a high degree of internationalization, an entrepreneurial spirit and extensive collaboration with surrounding society.

Jönköping University (JU) has around 12,500 students, of which 2,500 are international students. The university is one of the top universities in international student exchange and among the best in Sweden in terms of attracting international students.
JU is one of three Swedish private, non-profit institutions of higher education with the right to award doctorates. JU operates on the basis of an agreement with the Swedish Government and conforms to national degree regulations and quality requirements. The university is characterized by internationalization, an entrepreneurial spirit and collaboration with surrounding society.
The university is organised as a non-profit corporate group. The Group comprises Jönköping University Foundation and its six wholly-owned subsidiaries. They are organised as limited companies and include the School of Health and Welfare, the School of Education and Communication, Jönköping International Business School, the School of Engineering as well as University Services and Jönköping University Enterprise.

Jönköping University

Gjuterigatan 5
SE-551 11 Jönköping

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