Press release -

Pressinbjudan: Inauguration Ceremony of Urban ICT Arena - a part of Testbed Sweden.

Kista Science City AB is proudly inviting you to the Inauguration Ceremony of Urban ICT Arena. Minister of Enterprise, Mikael Damberg and the Mayor of Stockholm, Karin Wanngård will inaugurate Urban ICT Arena as part of Testbed Sweden, Monday 28th of November.

The purpose of Urban ICT arena is to future proof Sweden by developing tomorrow's sustainable cities, strengthen innovation and secure the jobs of the future. Urban ICT Arena has already collected several strong partners and has 28 projects in various ways to benefit from this open test bed.

The ceremony will include Keynote Speakers as Minister of Enterprise, Mikael Damberg and Cecilia Hertz, founder and CEO of Umbilical Design. You will also get the chance to take part of panel discussions about testbeds and innovation

Testbed Panel members: Uno Fors (SU/DSV), Sara Mazur (Ericsson Research), Markus Bylund (SICS Swedish ICT), Ann Hellenius (City of Stockholm) Johan Falk (Intel Ignition Lab), Mikael Östling (KTH).

Innovation Panel members: Tobias Degsell (Nobel Foundation), Helene Barnekow (Telia Company), Carl-Mikael Dufberg (IBM), Anders Johansson Tapper (Cisco), Chris Heister (The County Administrative Board of Stockholm)

Be a part of the historic moment in the ongoing success story of Kista. Meet with ICT experts, learn about exciting projects and get inspired by new ideas.

10:00 - 12:00 Guided tours of demos along Kistagången - starts at The Hub hotel.
12:00 - 13:00 Lunch mingle in the Electrum Building.
13:00 - 14:00 Inauguration Ceremony in the Electrum building by Mikael Damberg.
14:00 - 15:00 Fika with mingle in the Electrum Building.

When: Monday, 28th of november.

Time: 10.00 – 15.00.

Where: TheElectrum Building, Kista, Kistagången 16.

For further information and to RSVP contact

Welcome to the Inauguration Ceremony the 28th of November!

Petra Dalunde - COO, Urban ICT Arena

Johan Ödmark- CEO, Electrum Foundation & Kista Science City AB


  • Art, Culture, Entertainment


  • kista science city
  • kista
  • innovation
  • företagande
  • entreprenör
  • urban
  • ict
  • arena


  • Stockholm

KSCAB arbetar med att utveckla och marknadsföra platsen och innovationsklustret Kista Science City. Vår uppgift är att förbättra villkoren för de verksamma i regionen genom att verka för givande samarbeten mellan företag, forskning, akademi och offentliga aktörer. Vi samordnar flera av de nätverk, projekt, evenemang och mötesplatser som utgör motorn i Kista Science Citys ekosystem för utveckling och tillväxt. KSCAB arbetar även med att marknadsföra Kista Science City lokalt, regionalt och internationellt.