Press release -

Hand Interaction for Emerging Media

We progressively consume more information on our personal mobile devices. The underlying technologies and supporting hardware are now capable of extending the 2D functionalities and experiences in them. As these new media sourcesemerge they push for new design paradigms and

methods. One of the key aspects of this experience is the adaptation to the individual. Aside from the personalized content in them, XR sessions tend to be interactive. On the echo of these, it is reasonable to reflect on some of the things we found interesting in regards to use & effect of Hand Interaction in XR.


AR is often referred to as the medium that reveals what the senses can not perceive. Conceptually, this is achieved by layering information on top of the real world view. Though the context of information can vary from a toy character to a virtual path to follow, the main characteristic of this technology is the augmentation of the user's viewpoint. When the augmentation replaces a large portion of the view, for example a structural building or mechanical component, the term Mixed Reality (MR) is used instead.

In contrast to the above, a VR experience is exclusively built on artificial content. Similar to a movie theater, the purpose is to immerse the user into a specific setting, therefore a typical VR headset will isolate a user's view and provide the entire content and setting of the session. We usually refer to those technologies by the umbrella term XR and what we at ManoMotion found interesting to explore is how does the user and their hands partake into those experiences.

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  • Packaging, packing

ManoMotion is the leading company in hand tracking and gesture analysis in 3D-space by using a standard RGB camera and proprietary AI based software package that can run on any smart device. ManoMotion brings unparalleled intuition in human-computer interactions (HCI), refined through 10 years of research and development in gesture technology. AR/VR-glasses as well as AR software in smart phones and other gadgets is seeking true 3D gesture control for innovative applications, a huge market space where Manomotion is leading the development.


Lars Österberg

Press contact CEO Operational & general management including press +46739739063