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Increased focus by introduction of Merit Globe tech team.

Merit is continuously looking for initiatives on how we can improve our processes and develop our employees. We call it Merit Kaizen* and it includes both local and global initiatives. Merit is growing and has become an international company. To improve the collaboration between the countries and develop Merit further, a number of initiatives will be introduced in 2015.

In February, Merit launched an International group of tech resources. We have many skilled consultants at Merit, and by working closer together, we will optimize our capacity and competence.

Merit has gathered the system engineers from all countries into one team. Juha Saarento from Finland has become the team leader, and he is responsible for resourcing, performance management and competence development within the team. By working as group, the system engineers will have the opportunity to exchange good practices and have the possibility to get help and interact with other experienced colleagues.

By turning knowledge into value within Merit, we will increase the value for our customers as well.

* Kaizen is Japanese for “good Change”. When it is used in a business sense and applied to a workplace, kaizen refers to activities that continually improve all functions within the company.


  • Economy, Finance


Anders Thern

Press contact EVP Sales & Marketing Merit Globe +46 703791406