Press release -

10 years of dedication to the Peace Prize

The Nobel Peace Center to celebrate 10th anniversary with festival in Oslo on Saturday, 6 June.

“In the 10 years since we opened, we have become one of Norway’s most topical and important museums, and one of the most visited. That is certainly worth celebrating! And we are inviting Peace Prize laureates, Norway’s royal family, school children and the whole of Oslo to help us do so,” says the Nobel Peace Center’s director, Bente Erichsen.

On Saturday, 6 June, the plaza in front of the Nobel Peace Center, facing Oslo’s town hall, will be transformed into a festival ground, with activities for the whole family and free entrance to the museum itself.

Last year’s Peace Prize laureate Kailash Satyarthi, and Shirin Ebadi, who won the prize in 2003, have both agreed to attend a private reception on Wednesday, 10 June, at 2 pm.

Each year, a thousand school groups visit the Nobel Peace Center, and those pupils who come during our anniversary week will certainly notice that we are in a celebratory mood.

But our comprehensive programme of anniversary events is already getting underway. On Thursday, 16 April, we kick off our new series of debates, entitled Dynamite of the Day

The Nobel Peace Center is dedicated to the world’s most important prize. Since we opened in June 2005, our exhibitions, events, activities and educational programmes have been enjoyed by over 1.5 million guests. Our activities centre around the Nobel Peace Prize and the stories of those who have won it – who have inspired, and who still inspire, many people around the world every day.

In connection with the anniversary, we have also updated our permanent exhibitions: the Nobel Field, where all the laureates have their own little screen in an atmospheric ‘meadow’ of shining stalks, and the Nobel Chamber, containing a digital book about Alfred Nobel’s life. The museum is just as modern now as when it opened in 2005.

The anniversary will also be reflected in our temporary exhibitions and other activities throughout the year. The entire anniversary programme will be published on our website later in April.


  • Art, Culture, Entertainment

The Nobel Peace Center presents the Nobel Peace Prize laureates and their work, in addition to telling the story of Alfred Nobel. It is an arena for debate and reflection around topics such as war, peace and conflict resolution. The Nobel Peace Center works where politics and culture intersect, and the Center is internationally recognized for its emphasis on documentary photography and interactive technology. Changing exhibitions, engaging digital solutions, films, seminars and events make for a varied and exciting experience. 
The Nobel Peace Center is an independent foundation, with the Norwegian Nobel Committee appointing the board. Geir Lundestad is the leader of  the board, Bente Erichsen is the Executive Director. The Nobel Peace Center is financed by a combination of public and private funds. Main sponsors and collaborating partners are Hydro, Telenor Group, ABB and The Football Association of Norway (NFF). 


Ingvill Bryn Rambøl

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