Press release -

O’Learys enters the Baltic region together with Apollo Group

The Swedish restaurant and sports bar chain O’Learys is pleased to announce that it has signed a Master Franchise Agreement with the Estonian retail specialist group Apollo to open restaurants in the Baltic region. The first restaurant will open in Tallinn in spring 2018 and Apollo has an ambitious plan to open several units in the next years to come. This partnership marks a natural step in O'Learys plan to grow the brand internationally. 

With close to 100 units in the Nordic region, the Baltic countries are a natural step to further grow the brand in Northern Europe. In spring 2018, O’Learys opens their first unit – an Event Center which will not only offer great food and a place to watch sports, but also activities such as bowling, shuffleboard, billiard, climbing wall, dart and cinema. Throughout the year, several big Event Centers are planned to open in all of the Baltic countries. 

O’Learys sees a bright future in the partnership with Apollo Group, as well as possibilities to expand the offer and the customer experience, both within food and beverage, but also within their successful concept where great food meets sports and activities.

Christian Bellander, CEO at O’Learys Trademark, is enthusiastic about this partnership; “We are very happy to have found a partner with a similar mind-set. It’s exciting that Apollo Group is ready to invest in us, as this is an investment that we strongly believe in for O’Learys. Apollo Group is expanding forcefully in Estonia and it’s thrilling to see how we can work together to grow even more”.

Ivar Vendelin, CEO of the Apollo Group, also sees great potential in the newly established partnership; “We are very excited to enter a partnership with O’Learys and look forward to developing our offer together. O’Learys wants to expand and grow, which made this a very good fit for both of us. O’Learys will be a unique experience in the Baltic region, so we are very glad to fill that space and to offer people a place to meet and have a nice time”.

For more information, please contact:

Christian Bellander, CEO O’Learys Trademark
Phone +46 70-856 03 75, e-mail


  • Sport


  • franchise
  • olearys tallinn
  • event center
  • baltic region
  • learys,restaurant,sportsbar,boston inspired,swedish restaurant and sportsbar,apollo group,partnership,expanding,o
  • christian bellander

O’Learys Bar & Restaurant – is a Swedish franchise chain that was in 1988 in Gothenburg, Sweden by Jonas Reinholdsson and is run by O’Learys Trademark. Today, there are more than 120 restaurants in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Belgium, Spain, Hungary, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Singapore, China and Vietnam. The total revenue was 2016 more than 2,2 billion SEK. As a partner to the Sweden UN association, O’Learys runs the CSR program Meal4Meal, which, so far, has contributed with more than 1,8 million school meals in Etiopia and DR Congo. O’Learys core values are Fair, Passionate, Proud. More information can be found on


Lars Höglin

Press contact Brand Manager +46 72 194 96 52

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