Press release -

Amount of Port of Helsinki cargo traffic decreased, cruise traffic continued increasing

In May, the estimated amount of unitised cargo traffic in the Port of Helsinki was approximately 900,000 tonnes. The amount was 7% smaller than the amount of traffic last May. Imports amounted to 460,000 tonnes and exports to 436,000 tonnes. The amount of imports was 10% smaller and that of the exports 4% smaller than last May.

The amount of unitised cargo traffic in January–February was 4.2 million tonnes, 2% less than during the reference period. The amount of imports was 2.2 million tonnes, which is 1% less than last year. The amount of exports was 2.0 million tonnes, 3% less than last year's reference period.

Cruise traffic continued to increase. The number of passengers was 932,000 in May, showing an increase of 7% compared to last May. The number of passengers in January–May rose to 3.9 million passengers, with an increase of 6% compared to the reference period.

There was an increase in the St. Petersburg traffic in particular, where the number of passengers doubled compared to last year. However, the increase in the passenger traffic to Tallinn remained the most significant.

Additional information: Eve Tuomola, tel. +358 9 310 33551

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  • Tourism


  • port of helsinki
  • cargo
  • passengers
  • export
  • import



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Eeva Hietanen

Press contact Communications Manager +358 9 310 33540

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