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Ålands Vatten and Primozone -10 years together or Aluminium Anniversary.

This week Primozone visited Ålands Vatten, a very special visit to a very special customer. A customer that dared to make a change, go for a brand-new technology and not complying with traditional solutions.   

The story goes back exactly 10 years when in 2007 Primozone installed its 2nd and 3rd ozone generator in the Ålands Vatten drinking plant facility. A decade of continues non-stop operation, naturally we were curious to know if the customer is still confident in the choice they made 10 years ago.

Ålands Vatten took a decision to replace traditional ozone technology with a new solution, carefully explained and designed by Primozone team

The main goal was to provide better and cleaner water for the population of Åland, another important factor for the customer was to finally change to a problem-free, reliable ozone generator. These reasons among others encouraged the customer to choose Primozone innovative solution. Ten years later, there are no complaints and only words of approval and appreciation for making their life easier and Ålands vatten cleaner. 

When asked about the performance of Primozone ozone generator, one of the operators said clear and sound: “Outstanding”. Of course, as any equipment, it needs to be monitored and serviced, but Primozone ozone generator is working and does the job and the team is always ready to help with any questions.

Christian Nordas, managing director of Ålands Vatten, added that the performance of Primozone ozone generator not only reached their expectation but succeed it. The initial investment was higher compared to traditional solutions, but consistent and unfailing performance year after year makes the Total Cost of Ownership substantially lower. Moreover, such a delicate application as drinking water, even more so on an island, requires solid, efficient and reliable performance, which Primozone ozone generator proved to fulfill to perfection.

Primozone is delighted to visit Ålands vatten, to see happy operators and even more to participate in the discussions about new projects to maintain Baltic Sea clean.

To find out what advantages Primozone ozone generator can provide for your drinking water plant, please contact our industry expert


  • Industry, manufacturing


  • municipal water treatment
  • drinking water plant
  • clean water
  • ozone solutions
  • ozone for drinking water application


Jürgen Bischhaus

Press contact Sales & Marketing Manager Sales & Marketing +46 733620780

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