Press release -

Imaginate vann Excitera Innovation Challenge

Imaginate är en bildigenkänningstjänst som du kan användas för att identifiera mönster. Juryn motiverade att de hade tagit fram en nischad produkt för en nischad marknad vilket kommer vara stor vikt vid framtida utveckling.

Om Excitera Innovation Challenge

Excitera Innovation Challenge (EIC) är en innovationstävling där du får möjlighet att ta del av spännande forskningsresultat och utveckla dessa till kommersialiseringsidéer. EIC är en del av den ideella, studentdrivna entreprenörskapsföreningen Excitera. Föreningens syfte är att skapa ett intresse för företagande och kommersialisering av forskningsresultat, och underlätta upprättandet av kontakter mellan näringslivet, akademiker och studenter. Excitera åstadkommer detta genom att driva olika projekt, bland annat EIC.

Läs mer om Innovation Challenge:


  • Education


  • studenter
  • tävling
  • innovation


  • Stockholm


In the summer of 2009 four students from top Universities in Stockholm and Bejing meet at SSE business lab. All four had participated in student competitions and found it a great way to finance their ventures and studies! They all made many friends globally and gained valuable experiences that helped them to get exciting internships and opportunities through their time at university. They discussed why it was so hard to find this opportunities and wanted to find a way to make it easier.

And so, was born. is a gathering point for events and challenges targeting students and young professionals. It is the only platform where students, regardless field and level of studies, can find (all) the world’s major competitions at one place. As a bonus, the service is completely free too use for students!

By using the platform, You become aware of events and challenges, matching Your specific preferences. We do not only want to increase Your chance to find a participation you like and apply for it, also brings out some of the world's most extraordinary young talents into the spotlight. We give students a platform to strengthen their personal brand and are at the bottom line promoting educational as a whole. We are on an important mission!

Additionally, the platform allows students from all over the world to interact, co‐ operate and jointly create a junction for global opportunities. Example of interaction involves opportunity to establish global groups for participation in challenges/competitions, exchange of information and activities at different universities and much, much more.


Niklas Jungegård

Press contact VD 070-950 20 50

Robert Lyngman

Press contact CFO 0703-656 34 94