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Marianne Färlin, Vice President at Vedum
Marianne Färlin, Vice President at Vedum

Press release -

Take a turn around the showcases at Nordbygg for new input and inspiration

Nordbygg is basically an arena for transferring knowledge – the industry’s foremost in the Nordics. Lots of knowledge is wrapped into the seminars, which Nordbygg also is investing heavily in for 2018.

There is also a lot to pick up from the experts among the exhibitors. Magnus Everitt, energy expert at the organization Installationsföretagen, will vouch for that.

– Yes, I often come away from stands with new insights, he says.

Magnus is also part of the working group for Energy-smart clients, previously Renovate energy-smart.

– We want to inspire and show new possibilities, but also support contractors and property owners, so that they can become even more competent clients. This role is more important, and perhaps even harder, than ever, Magnus thinks.

Stands filled with knowledge and inspiration

This is where Nordbygg, with its volume of knowledge and inspiration brimming from every square meter, plays a natural role. Of course in the seminar programme, but taking a turn among the stands also has potential to provide the curious-minded with oodles of relevant information.

For example at the Danish HVAC expert, Dantherm.Their focus is on products and solutions for property ventilation. The range of knowledge in the stand, however, is much wider than that.The expectation is that a lot of people will stop by to also learn more about heating, cooling and dehumidification.

– Nordbygg is the most important industry fair in Sweden, and therefore it is the natural choice for us, as we want to increase the knowledge of us and our products here, says Håkan Rygaard, CEO Dantherm AB.

Vedum’s four tips for exhibitors

To design and fill a stand with alluring and value-creating content as an exhibitor takes a lot of consideration. Vedum, with products for kitchens, bathrooms and storage, have their strategy set out. It’s all about showing off, and in 2018, just as last time, they will have two stands, one in the exhibition hall and one in the HVAC hall. The trick to succeed is to work well-thought through and with an orientation to the visitors to the two halls.

Marianne Färlin, Vice President at Vedum, has four solid tips to the exhibitors. One of them is to plan the stand very carefully. For the other three and to hear Marianne reflect on Vedum’s exhibition concept, see the film!

For more information, visit or contact:

Peter Söderberg, Project Area Manager, +46 8-749 43 93

Liisa Aus, Content & Media Manager, +46 8-749 41 53


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