Press release -

Changing the world of live music experiences!

iConcerts and SwarmPlanet AB signed a collaboration agreement in September 2014.The two companies will work together as a consortium and, through SwarmPlanets unique cloud based hybrid technology that enables global HD/HiFi, iConcerts will create and deliver worldwide live broadcasts of music concerts and festivals.  

• “By using cutting edge technology from SwarmPlanet, that increases both video and sound quality of broadcasts, as well as lowers distribution costs, our customers' digital experiences, will broaden and increase” says Mathieu Sibille Group CEO & President of iConcerts France.
“We are currently number one in the world to offer live concerts via the Internet and Smart TV, and this cooperation will further strengthen this position.”

• “Our vision is to change the world of live media distribution” say Per Nathanaelson, CEO at SwarmPlanet. “The co-operation with iConcerts will kick start our global entertainment business leg. Our three priority areas today are our unique technology / patented platform together  with our two business areas, entertainment and sports.”


SwarmPlanet’s cloud based hybrid technology provide content owners with efficient and low-cost delivery of professional content.. The more viewers, the better sound and video quality you get, at a lower price than our competitors.
SwarmPlanet is the ultimate Cloud based multicast solution for all live content since the system handles huge amounts of payments per second and extreme spikes in bandwidth usage without losing quality.

iConcerts is a pioneering cross-media entertainment channel dedicated to live music via IP. iConcerts features the world's largest library of live music concerts, TV shows and documentaries, from best-selling contemporary stars to legendary performers like Jimi Hendrix and Bob Marley.
iConcerts HD has established itself as the first HD TV concert channel in Europe and has recently spread to Africa & Asia. The iConcerts VOD services are available for all digital content delivery platforms such as IPTV, web, OTT and mobile.
iConcerts are available in over 250 million households in 85 countries


  • Art, Culture, Entertainment

The Online Entertainment Market:
An estimated 380 million viewers worldwide watched live streaming concerts in 2013, up 40% from 2012, according to Irocke, a company that publishes a calendar guide to live-streamed shows and ranks their production quality.Online viewership increased most in the electronic dance music genre (EDM), and Tennessee music and arts festival Bonnaroo reported 11 million live-stream viewers during its three-day event last year, Irocke said. Tomorrowland (EDM), was streamed live last year by 16.9 million users; an additional 100 million viewed the footage later.  Source: Wall Street Journal 

Sports Market
The global sports market had a turnover of more than $ 80 billion in 2013, with an annual growth rate for 4%. Many sports, including those with large fan bases are currently lack broadcasting agreements. However only top leagues and events are able to capitalize on their content. 

SwarmPlanet help the sport market to maximize the revenues.


Mathieu Sibille

Press contact Group CEO of iConcerts +41 79 179 74 92

Per Nathanaelson

Press contact CEO SwarmPlanet +46 735087655

Magnus Hansson

Press contact CMO & Vice President Sports CMO & Sports +46-708-777 303

Mats Alpberg

Press contact Vice President Entertainment Entertainment and Press +46705556600