Press release -

3gamma launch 'Insights', tools and methodologies for managing innovation within IT

Driving business value through IT innovation

Innovation is top of mind these days for most business executives and IT managers who feel pressured to stay competitive. 3gamma is deeply engaged in several initiatives related to the topic. In our latest white papers, we provide insight into how the need for innovation impacts IT in terms of ways of working, capability acquisition and technology management.

As a leading IT management consultancy firm in the Nordic region and the UK, 3gamma works closely with some of the region’s leading companies and organisations with critical IT challenges. Across every industry in every region, companies and organisations are challenged to find new ways of delivering value to their customers. IT is under pressure, not only to be at the forefront of technological development but also to actively participate in and drive business development.In this first edition of 3gamma Insights, we present tools and methodologies for managing innovation within IT. It is also the introduction to a 3gamma-hosted seminar on the subject where together with clients and partners, we will discuss innovation from different perspectives and offer tangible advice on how companies can improve their innovation capabilities.

Disruptive technologies and turbulent change demand new IT capabilities

Accelerating technological disruption is impacting IT organisations that must develop new capabilities to meet ever-changing business requirements. 3gamma has defined five essential capabilities that we consider to be the pillars of a modern IT organisation. Read more

Devising pragmatic and effective ways of working is a top priority for IT

3gamma works closely with several clients to define and develop the required capabilities to support the increasing need for innovation. Frequently, this involves setting the necessary conditions to support two-paced operations and creating a separate innovation organisation that is free from the chains of operational excellence. Read more

To unleash IT’s true potential, IT needs to move from passive procurement to active service integration

3gamma is witnessing a shift from cost focused outsourcing to value creation and capability acquisition. Companies are now looking for partners that can contribute with a piece of the innovation puzzle and has a unique competitive capability. Read more

Strategic technology management is critical to align IT and the business

A key finding from our research in innovative sourcing models is that solutions, processes, teams and vendors must be viewed as components managed as a portfolio. IT’s role is to make sure this portfolio can be reconfigured to meet new business requirements, or to take advantage of disruptive technologies. Read more


  • Data, Telecom, IT


  • innovation
  • sourcing
  • it service
  • it service management
  • it support
  • 3gamma
  • insight
  • it


  • Stockholm

About 3gamma

At 3gamma we believe that "Great business deserves great IT®"

Since 2008, 3gamma has been successfully helping companies through significant organizational change programs, achieving optimal IT and realizing the value of their IT investments. We are highly regarded within ITSM/ITIL, our edge being our ability to transfer key knowledge to the organizations and people we work with, including streamlining processes, raising skills and lifting competence in IT Service Management.

As one of the largest independent specialist in IT Service Management and practical uses of ITIL, we provide consultancy, services and training to many of the world’s most respected companies. Globally positioned and with some of the most intelligent people in the business, we are uniquely suited to help businesses succeed in optimizing the total efficiency and effectiveness of their IS/IT.

IT Management Consulting and Sourcing, IT Service Transition, IT Service Modeling, IT Operational Service Management/Service Performance, IT Project Management, Qualify - ITIL training, certification and applied ITSM practices.