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Beckmans College of Design Stockholm x Paris Fashion Week

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Beckmans College of Design Stockholm x Paris Fashion Week

11 strong fashion talents from Beckmans College of Design in Stockholm graduated last spring. Now they step onto the international fashion scene with a performance and showroom during Paris Fashion Week.

Emerging designers

Since the premiere at Kulturhuset Stadsteatern in Stockholm in May, the designers’ graduation collections have been shown at Copenhagen Fashion Week, been seen on famous Swedish artists and featured in several fashion magazines. The designers have received scholarships from the Swedish Fashion Council, H&M and Lindex, and one of them, Amanda Borgfors Mészàros, was awarded the prestigious Bernadotte Art Award for her work in June. As the only Swedish designer, she was also recently appointed ”as one to watch” by Vogue Italia as she was selected a Vogue Talent 2018. In addition, two of the graduates, Sissel Kärneskog and Marie Isacsson, continue their studies at one of the world's most prestigious fashion programs, the Master's Program at the Royal College of Art in London.

”The Fashion program keeps such a high level with designer Pär Engsheden as Program Director, that the fashion industry has its eye on the students before they even graduate. To be part of Paris Fashion Week is a natural step as Beckmans College of Design constantly thinks of the international perspective. Without hesitation, I can say that our fashion students stand incredibly well in the tough competition of the fashion world,” says Principal Karina Ericsson Wärn.

Performance & showroom September 28-30

These emerging designers will now show their collections in a photo performance at the Institut Suédois in connection with the inauguration of Swedish Fashion Now on September 28th. The much appreciated artist and photographer Olga de la Iglesias will be behind the camera. The showroom at Jean de Bonnot, 22 rue Chapon, Paris 3ème, will provide an area to meet the graduates, examine their collections and view their portfolios between September 29-30.

The project is made possible through close collaboration with ASFB, the Swedish Institute, Visit Sweden and Oriflame. The project is produced and curated by Annika Berner, Director of External Relations.

Participating designers

Amanda Borgfors Mészàros, Anastasia Jansäter, Antonia Larsson Pihl, Dat Danh, Felicia Halén Fredell, Joonas Karhumaa, Julia Correia de Verdier, Marie Isacsson, Matilda Ivarsson, Robert Jonsson and Sissel Kärneskog.

Time, location & contact:

September 28th: Performance at The Institut Suédois, 11 rue Payenne
September 29th-30th: Showroom at éditeur Jean de Bonnot, 22 rue Chapon, Paris 3ème
Head of Project: Annika Berner, Director of External Relations, tel: +46727310950

About Beckmans College of Design Stockholm

Beckmans College of Design has long been a leading design college in Stockholm and a meeting point for creative and artistic progress with significant relevance to society and its development. A venue devoted to promoting the knowledge that is associated with praxis-based design on an artistic foundation, research and questioning.

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Om Beckmans Designhögskola

Beckmans Designhögskola utbildar inom tre konstnärliga kandidatprogram (180 hp): Visuell kommunikation, Mode och Form. Beckmans Designhögskola är en enskild utbildningsanordnare och har sina lokaler på Brahegatan 10 i Stockholm. Vi har 123 studenter och 30 anställda inom lärarkår och administration, vi anlitar över hundra namnkunniga gästlärare och samarbetar nära med branscher och plattformar som vi delar intressen med. Beckmans befinner sig i en ständig utvecklingsfas där ny kunskap, perspektiv på mångfald, jämlikhet och hållbarhet genomsyrar frågor som direkt kopplas till utbildningen.



Sofia Hulting

Sofia Hulting

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Beckmans Designhögskola

Beckmans Designhögskola i Stockholm utbildar inom tre konstnärliga kandidatprogram (180 hp): Form, Mode och Visuell kommunikation samt den förberedande utbildningen Beckmans Kvällsskola. Ny kunskap och nya perspektiv på humanism, mångfald, jämlikhet och hållbarhet genomsyrar utbildningen som vilar på konstnärlig grund.

Beckmans Designhögskola

Agavägen 54
181 55 Lidingö