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  • Strategic deal with PROMETIC LifeSciences Inc. to develop plasminogen for treatment of wound healing
  • The research and developmentagreement providesOmnio with research funding, GMP-plasminogen, industrial competence and clinical expertise for the co-development of plasminogen into a biologics drug for wound healing
  • Diabetic wounds affect more than 2 million patients in North America and necessitate an estimated 100,000 amputations annually in the USA alone

UMEÅ, SWEDEN – November 12, 2015 – Omnio AB ( announced today that it has entered into a strategic research and development agreement with the Canadian biopharmaceutical company ProMetic Life Sciences Inc.Under the licence agreement ProMetic and Omnio will combine their unique knowhow to develop the plasma protein plasminogen into a ’’Biologics product’’ that speeds up the healing of otherwise very hard-to-treat wounds including diabetic foot ulcers

Under the agreement, Omnio secures access to GMP-grade Plasminogen of highest standard as well as funding, industrial competence and clinical expertise which will allow us to conjointly perform clinical studies in humans. The time to controlled clinical trials will therefore be shortened dramatically by the new collaboration.

Professor Ny, Founder and CEO of Omnio, commented: “We are very pleased that ProMetic will fund our research on the role of plasminogen in wound healing and other inflammatory reactions. Through the collaboration with ProMetic we will now have access to ProMetic’s proprietary GMP-plasminogen and related manufacturing process and clinical experience. The fact that ProMetic’s plasma-derived plasminogen drug has already been proven safe and efficacious in humans combined with our own pre-clinical experience of wound healing gives us great confidence as to the success of the upcoming wound healing clinical program, expected to commence in H2 2016”.

Mr. Pierre Laurin, President and CEO of ProMetic commented: “Dr. Ny and his esteemed colleagues at Omnio have decades of hands-on experience demonstrating the ability of plasminogen to accelerate the healing of otherwise very hard-to-treat wounds. Combining their unique knowhow with our own clinical experience from our ongoing US plasminogen clinical trial bodes very well for improving the future management of diabetic wounds.

The agreement also provides for a long-term research collaboration, including the creation of a Center of Excellence in Umea, in order to further the understanding of the role of plasminogen in multiple medical conditions such as diabetic foot ulcers and other wound healing defects. The research collaboration will be funded by ProMetic and the arising intellectual property will be owned by ProMetic.

About Plasminogen:

Plasminogen is a naturally occurring protein that is synthesized by the liver and circulates in the blood. Activated plasminogen, plasmin, is a fundamental component of the plasminogen activator- or fibrinolytic system and is the main enzyme involved in the lysis of blood clots and clearance of extravasated fibrin. Plasminogen also play a vital role in wound healing, cell migration, tissue remodeling, angiogenesis and the defence against infections.

About Diabetic Foot Ulcers

A diabetic foot ulcer is an open sore or wound that is commonly located on the bottom of the foot. Native Americans, African Americans, Hispanics, and older men are more likely to develop ulcers. People who use insulin are at higher risk of developing a foot ulcer, as are patients with diabetes-related kidney, eye, and heart disease. Being overweight and consumption of alcohol and tobacco also play a role in the development of foot ulcers. Ulcers form due to a combination of factors, such as lack of feeling in the foot, poor circulation, foot deformities, irritation and trauma, as well as duration of diabetes. Patients who have diabetes for many years can develop neuropathy, a reduced or complete lack of ability to feel pain in the feet due to nerve damage caused by elevated blood glucose levels over time. Vascular disease can complicate a foot ulcer, reducing the body's ability to heal and increasing the risk for an infection. Elevations in blood glucose can reduce the body's ability to fight off a potential infection and also slow healing.

About Omnio AB

Omnio AB is a privately owned Swedish Biotechnology company focusing on the development of the plasma protein plasminogen into a Biologics Compound against multiple indications


Omnio AB, Box 7993, SE-90736 Umeå Sweden, Ph: +46-73-6205065,

Relaterade länkar


  • Hälsa, sjukvård, läkemedel


  • diabetic wounds
  • diabetessår
  • plasminogen
  • wound healing
  • sårläkning


  • Västerbotten

Biotech Umeå är ett klusterinitiativ med syfte att skapa tillväxt och bättre förutsättningar för regionens life science-företag, i samarbete med regionala, nationella och internationella partners. Umeå-klustret är världsledande inom områden som t.ex. infektionsforskning, skogsbioteknik, metaboliska och neurodegenerativa sjukdomar. Biotech Umeå finansieras av Umeå kommun, Umeå universitet, Region Västerbotten, Västerbottens läns landsting, FOI och EU Europeiska regionala utvecklingsfonden samt är genom finansiering och tillförd kompetens en prioriterad satsning hos Uminova Innovation.Ytterligare information finns på


Karin Borge Renberg

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