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Five million Swedish Crowns granted for Indo-Swedish cooperation in the development of mobile health services

Blekinge Institute of Technology, BTH, has been granted 5 million SEK for the research project “Transforming Healthcare Delivery – Innovative mHealth technologies for Health Promotion and Better Health Outcome”. The aim is to establish Indo-Swedish collaboration around innovative technologies for the promotion of health and health services in both India and Sweden.

The Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems, Vinnova, has decided to grant funding to the project which aims to establish long term Indo-Swedish research and development collaboration around applied health technology at the forefront of technological development. The focus is on innovative mobile services to promote health and health care, in both India and Sweden.

–The project is about mobile services that can inform, motivate and enable people to manage their own health while supporting communication, knowledge sharing and networking among patients and healthcare providers, says Professor Sara Eriksén, Project Manager at BTH.

The participating researchers, representing design, engineering and health sciences in Sweden as well as in India, in collaboration with the participating companies, will deliver two different mobile services for healthcare.

– In addition to this, we will develop and refine the design of mobile health services and explore how we can measure quality, usability and health impact of such services, both at an individual and at population level, says Sara Eriksén.


For further information, please contact Professor Sara Eriksén, email:


Background information
The project has been granted funding through the “Strategic Indo-Swedish Cooperative Innovation Programme, within the Call focusing on Health and Disease Prevention. The programme is aimed for applicants with constellations of research institutes/ companies from both the Indian and the Swedish side. All projects must clearly promote both research and industry and contribute to improved health and/or disease prevention. The announcement is made in conjunction with the Swedish Research Council and the Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Government of India.




  • Utbildning

Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, BTH, är en av Sveriges tydligast profilerade högskolor där tillämpad IT och innovation för hållbar tillväxt  står i fokus. BTH startade 1989 och har idag drygt 7 000 studenter och drygt 500 anställda.

BTH fick 1999 rätt att bedriva forskarutbildning inom teknik och bedriver forskarutbildning inom områdena "IT med tillämpningar" och "Planering och management". BTH är idag bland de sex bästa i världen inom programvaruteknik och hållbar utveckling.

Något som kännetecknar BTH är det nära samarbetet med näringsliv och samhälle vilket genomsyrar utbildning och forskning på såväl regional, nationell som internationell nivå.

Vårt huvudcampus ligger i Karlskrona där verksamheten inryms i nya lokaler med havet som närmaste granne. BTH har även ett campus i Karlshamn.

Sedan den 1 september 2008 är BTH en klimatneutral högskola.

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Margareta Ahlström

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