Press release -

BTS Group Case Story: Strategic Alignment at Vestas Builds Industry Leadership.

– a Force at the Forefront of Modern Energy

Estimates show that by the year 2050, the Earth will be home to a population of nine billion people. Where will the energy come from to feed the expectations of a modern society and power its progress? Vestas, the world’s leading manufacturer of wind turbines, is not waiting to find out.

Real Change, Lasting Results

How does a company equip its managers to lead a dynamic, global economic sector while retaining sound business principles? Vestas management hews to a traditionally rigorous business model that leads to real-world results. Its management is driven by four topline standards:

  1. Maintaining world-class safety standards for both employees and customers
  2. Delivering the highest possible performance and lowest cost of energy for customers
  3. Providing Business Case Certainty for customers — taking the uncertainty out of modern energy
  4. Being an easy-to-work-with provider — an ideal business partner for the modern world

– Read the full report. Download the PDF below –


  • Economy, Finance


  • henrik ekelund
  • vestas
  • vindkraft
  • uthålliga energiproduktioin
  • alternativa energikällor
  • case studies

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Thomas Ahlerup

Senior Vice President

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BTS Group AB (publ)

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BTS Group med huvudkontor i Stockholm, Sverige har mer än 350 högt kvalificerade medarbetare på 29 kontor i 19 länder på alla sex kontinenter. BTS arbetar med mer än 400 av världens största och ledande bolag inklusive 30 av världens 100 största bolag där några är högt respekterade som t.ex.: Anglo American, AT&T, Chevron, Coca-Cola, Ericsson, HP, Rio Tinto, Sony, Telefónica, and Unilever.

BTS Group AB omsatte under 2012 770,7 MSEK.

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