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What you should do before every round of golf

Here’s part 2: What you should do before every round of golf in the 3-part training series that effectively prepares, enhances and strengthens your swing for the upcoming golf season. 

This time we bring up a new theme that is very important and very common. Do you often find you are frequently making mistakes in the beginning of your round? There’s an obvious reason why - you’re simply not ready to play.
There are a lot of golfers who never warm up before they start their golf round. A musician wouldn’t think of performing before and audience without first tuning their guitar. A golf professional would never stand on the first tee without careful preparation.

In Part 2, you'll find out exactly what you should do before every round of golf. Click here to find out how

PS - Interested in getting your own personalized warm-up exercises directly to your mobile phone? Click here to learn more

Good luck!


  • Hobby


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