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Intensified collaboration between Sweden and Japan in education within the creative industries

Gotland University is intensifying relations with universities in Japan in the field of Game design, Visualization and Convergent media. Four delegates from Gotland University are in Japan to strengthen ties between researchers in Japan and the University of Gotland.

Researchers from Gotland University recently held a seminar in Tokyo together with professors from three top universities in Japan. The Swedish Committee on Cultural Affairs Participated and the Swedish minister of trade, Ewa Björling spoke to researchers about the importance of bilateral collaboration.

As a part of the seminar a bilateral agreement of collaboration was signed between the University of Gotland and Tokyo University of Technology.

The research team at Gotland University has also been strengthened by the addition of professor Masayuki Nakajima from Tokyo Institute of Technology who has relocated Nakajima labs to the Gotland Campus. Professors Steven Bachelder and Masayuki Nakajima have embarked on an intensive program aimed at increasing collaborations between top engineering universities in Japan and the research group situated between Gotland University and Uppsala University. The aim is to couple engineering skills from Japan and content developments skills in game and visual expression from Sweden.

Agreements have been reached with, Kanagawa Technical University, and Tokyo University of technology.  And on the 16 of May an agreement will be reached with Tokyo Institute of technology. This will be a main event in a special event at Tokyo tech called ”Sweden Day”.

Keynote speakers are Swedish ambassador to Japan, Lars Vargö, Vice Chancellor of Gotland University  Dr. Jörgen Tholin and Dr. Michael Nobel former President of the Nobel Foundation.

As a part of the intense efforts for collaboration between leading Japanese universities and Gotland University the team will also be visiting Carnegie Mellon University in Osaka where collaboration is also being discussed.

For more information, contact;
Professor Steven Bachelder,

Denna vecka befinner sig representanter från Högskolan på Gotland I Japan för att diskutera fördjupade samarbete inom speldesign, visualisering och konvergerande medier med ett antal universitet. Överenskommelser om samarbete inom detta område finns idag med Kanagawa Technical University och Tokyo University of Technology. Ett samarbetsavtal mellan Högskolan på Gotland och Tokyo Institute of Technology kommer att undertecknas den 16 maj under ett evenemang med namnet ”Sweden Day” vid Tokyo Institute of Technology. Huvudtalare under detta evenemang kommer vara Lars Vargö, Sveriges ambassadör i Japan, Michael Nobel, f.d. Ordförande för Nobelstiftelsen samt Jörgen Tholin, rektor för Högskolan på Gotland.

För mer information, kontakta;
Professor Steven Bachelder,


  • Utbildning


  • visualization
  • convergent media
  • konvergerande medier
  • visualisering
  • game design
  • speldesign
  • samarbetsavtal
  • tokyo tech
  • nakajima labs


  • Gotland


Susanne de Paulis

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