Press release -

IAS becomes the new owner of the Peepoople brand

It is with great pleasure we announce that the Peepoople innovative brand and product will continue to be developed by International Aid Services (IAS) as from today’s date. Peepoople and IAS began the cooperation in year 2014. With the change in strategy from having a high-tech production in Sweden, towards a local production closer to the market, IAS became the first choice for Peepoople.

– The last years of partnership with IAS has been a game changer for us in Peepoople and we are excited to see how this free transfer of the brand to IAS can create an increased ownership amongst the target group that we intend to reach, says Anders Pihl, CEO of Peepoople since 2014.

Today, the Peepoople product is being distributed to more than 20,000 people (mainly women and children) living in the Kibera slum in Nairobi, Kenya. Peepoo is a personal, single-use, self-sanitising, fully biodegradable toilet that prevents faeces from contaminating the immediate area as well as the surrounding ecosystem. After use, Peepoo turns into valuable fertiliser that can improve livelihoods and increase food security.

– Fantastic to see this innovative product being used Worldwide and in particular Kenya. We believe that the product plays an important role in providing not only a sanitation solution but also in terms of protection of women and children using it in insecure areas, says Andreas Zetterlund, Head of Marketing & Fundraising Department at IAS.

// Rebecka Woods, Communications Officer at IAS. For more information about IAS, IAS will continue to retain the web/social media channels for Peepoople,

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International Aid Services (IAS) is an International Non-Governmental Organization (INGO) abiding by Christian values. Founded in 1989 with the purpose of assisting conflict affected populations in South Sudan we now run programs in over 10 countries in primarily Horn of Africa /Eastern Africa supported by 4 offices in Europe and the United States. The Alliance Head Office is located in Stockholm, Sweden.

We see ourselves as catalysts for development. Investing in people in order for them realize their full potential – going beyond relief and development. Thank you for standing with us in this endevour.


Andreas Zetterlund

Press contact Chief Operating Officer (COO) +46704552100

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