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Our privacy is at serious stake

Since a very long time people around the world have fought for human rights, freedom of speech and the right to privacy. We have seen great development around the world.

But since the last few years all this is at serious stake.

There are many social media and other internet services that are collecting a massive amount of personal information about us, using these services. It is easy to say that we don’t write or say anything that we have to hide and that is probably true for most of us.

If you take a look at how it works at most services, then it becomes much scarier. Here are a few examples.

They track not only what you post but also analyze what you like, what and to whom you reshare and they know exactly how and where you surf on the internet. All photos that you upload are analyzed and through facial recognition they recognize your face despite who uploads the photo.

These services knows practically everything you do on your mobile such as reading emails, your text messages, know who you communicate with, have access to your address book, and know exactly everywhere you have been at every second through GPS and WiFi. They know what mode you are in depending on the filter you choose for a photo you share. It’s like someone is filming everything you do on the internet at your computer and mobile device.

All this data and information is analyzed in “big data” and summarized in personal profiles where for instance your political preferences, health status, friends and contacts, where you used to be and who you met with, psychological status and stability, your financial capacity, your interests, sexual orientation and work status is described. This is just a few examples of the content on your personal profiles. All this is saved forever and we have no chance to delete it.

As we are using the services, we have accepted that they collect this personal data from all sources and we have also given the companies all rights to the data and the right to sell this information to third parties at a broad scale. Some of the world’s largest companies entire business is based on commercializing personal data and knowledge about us.

There are already an endless amount of examples where people have suffered enormously from this. And risks are increasing everyday and this knowledge about us will be much more misused, the consequences for us could be enormous.

With all this said, we, who started Idka, found this totally unacceptable and very threatening.

To make communication, sharing and interaction easy and accessible is great and we make this possible with Idka. But we also want to offer people a place where you know that your privacy is protected, where only you own your data and content, where there is no tracking and no data collection, no advertising or re-sharing. If you delete your data, it’s gone from our servers and forever. This means you can communicate freely with friends, family and colleagues without needing to think about how this eventually can be misused by others.

Idka is for people who want to be social, but stay private. Visit for more information!

Göran Wågström
CEO at Idka

be social, stay private®


  • New media


  • integrity
  • data
  • big data
  • integritet


Elizabeth Perry

Press contact Chief Marketing Officer Marketing & Communication