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The International Functional Fitness Federation partnered with the Swedish company ISIKOST

December 11, 2017—The International Functional Fitness Federation (iF3) is pleased to announce it has partnered with the Swedish company ISIKOST. ISIKOST specializes in high quality, clean, nutritional supplements. The partnership focuses on allowing the iF3 to build its antidoping program and allow for the development of a strong testing program. Isikost will also serve as the title sponsor of the International Functional Fitness World Championships for 2018 through 2020.

Gretchen Kittelberger, President of the iF3, stated “We were very excited to start working with Isikost largely due to their commitment to supporting our antidoping efforts. It is rare for a supplement company to come out and say that clean products and clean sport is so important to them that they are willing to help provide funds to develop an antidoping program. Developing a WADA compliant antidoping program is high on our list of priorities, and when we found out that it was something that was also a priority to Isikost it made this relationship a no brainer.”

The iF3 is committed to using a large percentage of the funds it will receive from this partnership on developing an antidoping program that will comply with the World AntiDoping Code. It is imperative that functional fitness athletes have confidence that when they step on the competition floor they are competing against a level playing field where all athletes are playing by the same rules. Developing a comprehensive antidoping program is a necessity for the iF3. The support of Isikost will make this possible.

Dean Ruzic, CEO of Isikost, commented, “We are very proud to be part of such a close and important collaboration with the International Functional Fitness Federation (iF3). We produce all the products ourselves at our own facility in Stockholm, and we can track the content of every ingredient we add. We only use top quality ingredients, and this commitment to the highest quality is one of our core values as a company.”

Ruzic added, “Through close collaboration with iF3, we provide a significant insight into how both elite athletes and young people train and eat; it gives us significant information that is used to constantly develop our product range based on scientific studies; the range is of course paleo-friendly and adapted to vegan.

Our requirement specification is clear and high. We have great transparency, and we want to work actively with anti-doping and dieting. It is important to emphasize the meaning of a healthy lifestyle with a thoughtful dietary intake. You can perform at absolute top level by eating well and supplementing with clean supplements.”

Isikost will be releasing a new line of products aimed at functional fitness athletes on December 16th. You can learn more about Isikost on their website or by following them on instagram or facebook @isikost


  • Företagande


  • prestation
  • made in sweden
  • kontroll
  • isikost
  • crossfit

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