Press release -

Welcome Charlotte to the Kodiak Rating Team!

Charlotte Aronsson has started at Kodiak Rating as our Customer Success Lead. She will be seeing to our customer's success and assuring them a fantastic journey using our Supplier Relationship Management Software.

This addition comes at a perfect time for Kodiak Rating. As our customer base continues to expand, so does our need for customer satisfaction. Charlotte's background in communication and human rights makes her a perfect fit to assure customer success for Kodiak Rating customers.

Kodiak Rating believes that our true success as a company, software and brand lies with the success of our customer's when utilizing our software to better their own businesses. To that notion, we welcome Charlotte's addition with open arms!

If you'd like to get in touch with Charlotte please click the link below!

Chat with Charlotte!

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  • news
  • saas
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  • supplier relationship management
  • supply chain
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  • supply chain management
  • customer success

Kodiak Rating Supplier Relationship Management SaaS: News, Trends, and Commentary!

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Sam Jenks

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