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Investigating the waves of experience and studying growth  – MA1: Craft Exhibition at Konstfack

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Investigating the waves of experience and studying growth – MA1: Craft Exhibition at Konstfack

All Walls, Endless Waves

MA1: Craft Exhibition, 10–14 January in Seminariegången

Join us for an evening of discussion and drinks, Wednesday 10 January, 4 to 6pm

When I was young my mother told me that birds would collect fallen hair to build their nests. She only stopped trimming my weathered ends on the patio, when home grown haircuts were no longer cool. I’d thrown away all the shoeboxes filled with dry leaves and unhatched eggs. We grew older and squeezed lemon juice through our hair to look like summer, sweet and sticking to our sweaty necks. Green from chlorine and shoulder length back-to-school haircuts. Suddenly I was grown and no one cared when I wanted it black or blue or normal. When the tangles turned to woven nests I snipped them gone with scissors and no one was the wiser. Lifeless locks smothered the drain, so I picked out the foreign strands between two barely touching fingers.

Growing. Growing. Growing. These locks keep coming back to all of us like they never even noticed the fading blue. Cresting and ebbing like unruly waves on a sun kissed beach, shimmering with churn and froth of experiences we thought were ours alone. Exploring, so that in our insistence of being cautious, we do not disallow ourselves to be fragile in our expressions and tender in our emotions.

All Walls, Endless Waves is an exhibition showcasing the recent works of first year master students in the Crafts department. Investigating the waves of experience and exploring ways of what has been and what could be, we study growth. I think of my grandmother’s hair that doesn’t move much anymore, her silver curls like steadfast slinkies. I never thought about her having a haircut before, but she’s had maybe 200 and yet it always looks the same. In the loop of quiet growth, gently it creeps onwards.

Welcome to Konstfack, LM Ericssons väg 14, subway station Telefonplan




Susanne Helgeson

Presskontakt Presskontakt 08-450 41 14

Konstfack är Sveriges största konstnärliga högskola inom konst, design och konsthantverk.

Konstfack är Sveriges största konstnärliga högskola inom konst, design och konsthantverk. Sedan 1844 har vi utbildat en mängd olika yrkesgrupper inom dessa fält samt bild- och slöjdlärare. Vi bedriver både konstnärlig och vetenskaplig utbildning/forskning och har idag cirka 1000 studenter och 200 anställda. www.konstfack.se
Konstfack is Sweden’s largest university for arts, crafts and design. Since 1844, we have educated a diverse range of professionals within these fields as well as art and sloyd teachers. We conduct both artistic and scientific education/research and currently have about 1000 students and 200 employees. www.konstfack.se


LM Ericssons väg 14
126 37 Hägersten