Press release -

Who deserves a Second chance? New documentary about Reza "Mad Dog" Madadi out February 4th

"MAD DOG – from Chaos to Comeback"

He was at the peak of his career, celebrated and respected MMA-star of the UFC. But overnight, everything changed. Reza "Mad Dog" Madadi was sentenced to prison for involvement in a smash-and-grab coup in central Stockholm. The documentary “MAD DOG – from Chaos to Comeback” tells the story about his way back.

- We have followed him for over two years. This is the story of a Self-Made man who had to convince the world he deserved a second chance. It’s a fascinating story that portrays an exciting and complex person, says the film's producer Martin Sandin.

Complete chaos

In the summer of 2013 Madadi were arrested for involvement in an infamous smash-and-grab coup. The district court sentenced him to imprisonment for one year and nine months. The UFC and all sponsors dropped Reza, his friends abandoned him and he was verbally bashed in the media and on Internet forums. But perhaps worst of all.

- My life collapsed completely. I went on a journey with in my self that I wouldn’t wish for no one else. Worst of all, I had to spend my sons' first year behind bars, says Reza Madadi.

Comeback in the UFC

The film is about belonging, shame, struggle and pride. Where others might have had weight down Reza chose to bet everything on a comeback. He wanted to turn his mistakes into something positive, and thus become a role model for young people.

- There were not many who believed in me but I never lost hope. I did not want people to remember me as the guy who went to prison, but instead he who disappeared and then came back even stronger. Hopefully my story can inspire others, says Reza Madadi.

Without funds

Director Mauri R. Chifflet, project manager Christian Albinsson and producer Martin Sandin are the team behind the documentary. They’ve funded the project out of their own pockets in order to complete their vision with the film.

- I think many of us can relate and see some of ourselves in his struggle. For us that have been one of the most rewarding things while working with this project, says the film's producer Martin Sandin.


  • Cinema, Film, Photo


  • the mauler
  • alexander gustafsson
  • mma
  • ufc
  • reza madadi
  • mad dog from chaos to comeback
  • mad dog the movie
  • mad dog

Martin Sandin
producer, Mad Dog - from Chaos to Comeback
+ 46 708 432227
T: @maddogthemovie