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7 Steps to That Bikini Body You’ve Always Wanted

  Written by: John-Daniel

With summer almost here, you have probably been working tirelessly in the gym to get a slim waist, perfectly toned upper arms, legs, and that healthy, fitness glow. There is no better way to spend your summer than basking on a sun-kissed beach and chilling with friends. Even better is getting to rock that bikini you have been eyeing all year long. If you are still behind in your fitness program, it is not too late.

Starting your training now gives you ample time to reach your summer body goal and also keeps off the need for unhealthy fad diets that can make you put on weight just a few days into summer. Fortunately, we have the best strategy on how you can get fit for the summer as well as look great in your tiniest bikini. In this article, we will provide you with some expert dietary and training advice to help you shape up, and tone up your bikini body.

1. Weight Training

Did you know that more muscles equal more fat burn? One of the best ways to achieve a tight, slender toned body is by weight training. While most women shy away from muscle training due to the misconception that they will look many or bulk, this could not be any further from the truth. First, women do not have the adequate testosterone to gain as much muscle as men. In its place, you will end up with toned muscles which will make you look great and confident about your body.

Secondly, weight training triggers your metabolism to break down fat for longer compared to cardio. After weight training, your body continues burning fat long after you are done with your workout. In the long run, you will realize your fitness level will improve and your body will look and feel even better.

2. Muscle Burns Fat

The level of energy in a toned and muscled body is higher compared tone that is carrying excess fat. The more you tone your muscles, the faster your engine runs leading to more body fat decline. The mere presence of muscle on your body causes your metabolism to burn fat faster and eats your calories at a much higher rate.

When you are working out, do not make it all about cardio, as much as it is important. Building muscle will not only do your appearance good but will also go a long way in your fitness journey and overall health. So the next time you are hitting the gym, stock up on proteins and try to lift those weights. Before you know it, you will be saying goodbye to those bingo wings and love handles. If you want help shifting fat or cellulite, this treatment could work from Dore Aesthetics.

3. Train Early

Engaging in exercise, regardless of the time of day, will go a long way in helping you achieve your body goals.Still, morning workouts are highly recommended compared to working out at any other time of day. This is because early morning workouts jumpstart your metabolism to start burning the calories and fat fast.

And, if you work out just hard enough, your metabolism will continue burning those calories and fat for at least 15 hours post workout. Morning workouts free up the remainder of your day, boost your metabolism and provide an excellent way to stick to your workout program.

4. Keep your body proportions and training balanced

Whenever you look at yourself in the mirror, the first muscles you see on your body are the chest, biceps and your abdominals. While some people may be tempted to overtrain in order to grow bigger muscles, or lose fat at a certain place on their body, doing so can actually cause your body to develop postural imbalances.

Ensure that whenever you are working out, you are toning up your entire body and not just in specific areas. Legs are an important part of the body to workout unlike the bum, which is often a tricky region for most women to workout. For best results, create a workout program to train different areas of your body on different days. This will not only ensure that you get your entire body tones, but it also allows for sufficient muscle recovery and balanced training. An unproportionate form can make you feel bad about your image than holding a little bit of flab here and there.

5. Cardiovascular Exercise is Crucial

In our quest for a toned body, we often tend to forget about CV (cardiovascular training.)However, you should know that cardiovascular exercise ensures your body’s important muscles like the heart are trained too. As monotonous and exhausting as cycling, running, swimming and jogging may be, fitting in an evening job or hitting that bike could be, it is the difference between rocking a toned summer body and hiding in the house all summer long.

Fortunately, cardio exercise can be practised in a number of fun and exciting ways too. If you hate jogging or the treadmill, you can engage in a more exciting activity like putting on boxing gloves or joining a Zumba dance class. Even that will get your working while still adding a little bit of needed excitement.

6. Abs Workouts Only Are Not Enough

As much as Abs training will help tone your body, doing it alone will not help you achieve your dream bikini body. For that perfect body, you need to incorporate a lot of different workouts. For instance, if you want to get a super slim waist, sit-ups for the abdominal muscle are not the only exercise that you should engage in. Your main focus should be your core when working out your abdomen.

Incorporate planks, Russian twists, leg lifts among other exercises to help tackle all the areas around your abs. Engaging in these exercises gives you a better chance at a slimmer waist and a more defined stomach. We would also like to emphasize the fact that abs are 70% what you eat and 30% workout. So other than engaging in a full body workout, for better and faster results, watch what you eat.

7. Exercise Your Legs

When working out, many people tend to focus on abs and arm workouts and forget all about their legs. Exercising your legs is just as vital as toning up your upper body. One of the main reasons why cardiovascular training is important is because it involves using your legs. These exercises help to tone your leg muscles.

Slender, muscular legs tend to look longer and will go a long way in making you look taller and slimmer. So if you have been slacking on leg day, hit those squats, get some cardio and ride that bike to tone your legs.


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